I have not heard anything on frequency 154.160 in about two months. Does anybody have the new frequency for Forestdale Fire?
I have a Radio Shack Pro-24 that you have to manually program. Concerning all of the frequencies, where do I need to start at?
You will need a digital trunk tracking scanner used 1's start about $200 . get new 1 for around $400. I have bote the pro197 ( radio shack base ) & the GRE 500 hand held There are also Uniden models. but don't know which ones. they are on the JEffco digital trunking system
if i think i am right they were cross banding the vhf over to the 800 system but they were analog no digital they might have went dig but i dont know they are in finc. trouble over there
ok i heard them on the county system last night they are still analog, i was told at one time they just turned off the link because they did not want the the vouls being able to talk back on vhf thats all i was able to find out, still digging also a basic trunk tracker will allow to hear analog comms
what kind did u get also the chief told me that the vhf base is broke hope to have it back soon
they did switch they use 800 back to vhf so with out vhf u cant hear unless u have 800