I Heard Tonight On Ch5 News That There Trying To Get New Radios For The Fire And Police In Fort Smith.i Havent Heard Nor Seen On The Web That There Going To Change.
yea thats what i thought they were going to do with the new tower in fort smith now im waiting for the sebastian co.to move to awin i realy dont care for the edac system.the audio is realy bad.now i hope i can hear pine bluff that would be cool i can hear the county fire dispatch on vhf so now that means the fire channel i was hearing is going to be dead now?.nothing has changed hear in johnson county there telling me the only people that will have awin radios are the fire chiefs and county supers.i siting back now to see what pope county is going to do they have like 3 radios in there cars to monitor state police russellville pd and there own.now the big question is will crawford county go to awin since fort smith is going to switch over
yea thats what i thought they were going to do with the new tower in fort smith now im waiting for the sebastian co.to move to awin i realy dont care for the edac system.the audio is realy bad.now i hope i can hear pine bluff that would be cool i can hear the county fire dispatch on vhf so now that means the fire channel i was hearing is going to be dead now?.nothing has changed hear in johnson county there telling me the only people that will have awin radios are the fire chiefs and county supers.i siting back now to see what pope county is going to do they have like 3 radios in there cars to monitor state police russellville pd and there own.now the big question is will crawford county go to awin since fort smith is going to switch over
I think the VHF-High channel will still be there. Mainly for pagers. They might (and I am not certain on this) use the AWIN to talk en-route and on scene. Some use the Pine Bluff System this way. They are paged on VHF-High and then get on the Pine Bluff System after the page.
Voters also approved replacing the Fire and Police departments ’ 25-year-old communication system that officials said is outmoded and inadequate. The replacement, plus bond costs, is expected to cost $ 13. 75 million.
With all 30 precincts reporting, the unofficial results were: For........................ 6, 283 Against.................... 3, 502
i didnt know the system in fort smith was that old but atleast the voters know the public serv.realy needs it.but what realy catched my ears is that fort smith dont realy have a city hall ive never heard a city with out there own building and the voters didnt vote on the new city hall nor the new ball park.