Home Land Security creeping into Indiana
The idea of Ft Wayne locking out law abiding citizens from listening in on THEIR PUBLIC SERVANTS is an outrage and smacks of Ft. Wayne becoming a police state. Following the Dept of Home Land Security policies is also leading to Ft. Becoming a police state.
This coming spring dangerous storms will be attacking Indiana with floods, high winds, and tornadoes; and by encrypting the PUBLIC airwaves you will be denying many taxpayers the life saving information that will be transmitted over the PUBLIC airwaves. By the time the authorized listeners of encrypted radio traffic receives important life saving information and notifies local radio stations several critical minutes are wasted.
The Amateur Radio Community that volunteers for SKY WARN operations, search and rescue, and a host of other public events depends on listening to the PUBLIC SAFETY radio traffic to coordinate their volunteers so as not to overlap other PUBLIC SAFETY depts also watching the skies for dangerous weather they will also be locked out of the loop.
The listening public also has the right to listen to public safety radio so they know where the crime infected areas of a city is so they can avoid that area or if a one live in the crime area they would know what to look out for.
Crooks and professional criminals will use scanners to commit crimes just as they use guns, mostly stolen guns, during their crimes. They will also buy the necessary equipment and software to be able to know what the police are doing. I know I will be looking around for software to enable my equipment to receive the encrypted radio traffic. But I will be restricted to using the equipment in my home.
The PUBLIC has every right to listen to police, fire, ambulance calls because we, the tax payers, fund the very depts being encrypted though local, state, federal taxes and we are not the bad guys.