Forums Manager puts his foot NAZI down.

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Feb 18, 2006
Are you serious? You close out a thread that was designed to help people just because someone had their feelings hurt because someone else called them out?

You see these are the "MONITORED" groups that ruin it for all. You preach "don't be the forum police" but yet you do just that. There was nothing out of character in "BCD436HP Post Release" post that was sooo bad. You had whiners that got slapped by non whiners and you needed to flex your muscles and


""""It's becoming a full time job to keep this forum in check. Because of this I'm no longer permitting any new "Discussion" threads and will be closing these existing bloated threads as I see fit. If people have questions they can first SEARCH and if answers are not found they can create their own thread. Also, read the damn manual first too please.""""

You pompous arrogant NAZI. People pay good MONEY to this site to have megalomaniacs like you curtail them. Are you Obama in disguise?

Your such a big tough guy. Seriously I am ashamed that I actually just "today" PAID for a membership to this NAZI website.

I hope enough people see this post before you chop it because obviously freedom of speech is not welcome on these forums. I feel sorry for the ones that really are in-experienced and have questions but you NAZIs shut them down.

Arrogance is worse than ignorance.

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