This is the first storm I can remember that actually motivated me to disconnect my antennas. Wow, the lightning is intense!
As the storm rumbled toward Bethany, the chief told all the officers at Eldon Lyon park (where the 4th Festival is held) to block inbound traffic, let the outbound go free, and shelter in their vehicles. Dispatch is getting lots of calls asking about the fireworks, but they don't plan on reopening the park this evening.
Right as the storm hit, an off-duty officer was following a drunk in from Yukon, and a low-speed 10MPH chase ensued...! Finally got the guy stopped at 50th & Rockwell, as the rain begain.
And sounds like Warr Acres lost their repeaters - they are working off Bethany's repeater at this time. A bit confusing, having two dispatches going on the same frequency.
As the storm rumbled toward Bethany, the chief told all the officers at Eldon Lyon park (where the 4th Festival is held) to block inbound traffic, let the outbound go free, and shelter in their vehicles. Dispatch is getting lots of calls asking about the fireworks, but they don't plan on reopening the park this evening.
Right as the storm hit, an off-duty officer was following a drunk in from Yukon, and a low-speed 10MPH chase ensued...! Finally got the guy stopped at 50th & Rockwell, as the rain begain.
And sounds like Warr Acres lost their repeaters - they are working off Bethany's repeater at this time. A bit confusing, having two dispatches going on the same frequency.