I've been listening in to this system a lot lately, trying to figure out who and just how many companies are using this system, other than the already known DECs
This is the system-
Industrial Communications and Electronics (Foxboro) Trunking System, Foxboro, Massachusetts - Scanner Frequencies
Sharon Taxi and Norwood Hospital Ambulance seem to use it the most. I've found a lot of other unlisted users though
DEC- 06256 - Sounds a lot like a landscaping or construction supply company. Heard talk about different jobsites and "not having enough room on my truck".
DEC - 04560 - Heard "29 clearing Quincy have a good afternoon". My first thought is that is sounded like a school bus company. Could be anything I guess, rather vague.
DEC - 05840 -This one sounded like land surveyors or a road construction crew, the only transmission I heard was about something being left on a sidewalk," If I have time I'll stop by and get it". "The neighbor doesn't appear to have been out in their yard in quite some time, so I doubt they'll care".
Some others that I caught the very end of a transmission were
03168 (very broken up)
03888 (very broken up)
I also heard what sounded like an oil delivery company last week. Do not remember the DEC number, I think it was something like 02343. They talked about going to Walpole after being done in Canton, and that "they have to shut down the drive through this time because I'm not working around cars this time". "How much did we charge them per gallon last time?" makes me think it's an oil company, but I could be wrong.
Anyone else scanning this system?
This is the system-
Industrial Communications and Electronics (Foxboro) Trunking System, Foxboro, Massachusetts - Scanner Frequencies
Sharon Taxi and Norwood Hospital Ambulance seem to use it the most. I've found a lot of other unlisted users though
DEC- 06256 - Sounds a lot like a landscaping or construction supply company. Heard talk about different jobsites and "not having enough room on my truck".
DEC - 04560 - Heard "29 clearing Quincy have a good afternoon". My first thought is that is sounded like a school bus company. Could be anything I guess, rather vague.
DEC - 05840 -This one sounded like land surveyors or a road construction crew, the only transmission I heard was about something being left on a sidewalk," If I have time I'll stop by and get it". "The neighbor doesn't appear to have been out in their yard in quite some time, so I doubt they'll care".
Some others that I caught the very end of a transmission were
03168 (very broken up)
03888 (very broken up)
I also heard what sounded like an oil delivery company last week. Do not remember the DEC number, I think it was something like 02343. They talked about going to Walpole after being done in Canton, and that "they have to shut down the drive through this time because I'm not working around cars this time". "How much did we charge them per gallon last time?" makes me think it's an oil company, but I could be wrong.
Anyone else scanning this system?