Frederick Co VA on SIRN


Premium Subscriber
Sep 17, 2008
Can anyone tell me how talkgroups 1801-1819 are used? WV SIRN: West Virginia Statewide Interoperable Radio Network TG Category: Frederick County Virginia (Interoperability)

There are a lot of old posts from 2016-2018 about it - but nothing current. I have recently moved to western Loudoun (VA) and am listening to SIRN more and more. I noticed the Frederick Co VA interop talkgroups active a lot recently and assumed they were full time patches, but the last few days they have been silent (yet I am monitoring Frederick on their conventinal channles and they are active.)

Just wondering if they are patches and if so when are they activated and for what, etc or are they actaual talkgroups that are used by Frederick as backup to their conventional system coverage?

Anyone with info can share here or DM me directly would be appreciated.