Fremont PD is listed in the DB currently as:
453.825 DMR, Color Code 4, TG 1, Slot 1
The following license modification suggests they are moving away from Futronics as their radio shop to Lima Radio Hospital, and that they are switching frequencies. On the application, 453.825 is being replaced by 460.0375.
So, if you are somebody that monitors Fremont PD, you may want to program in 460.0375 , as a DMR frequency, because they are likely going to be switching. And you can't just assume once they do switch that they will be using the same color code, TGID, Slot combination.
This app is pending as of 12-12-2020 : ULS Application - Public Safety Pool, Conventional - 0009310229 - FREMONT, CITY OF - Transaction Log
453.825 DMR, Color Code 4, TG 1, Slot 1
The following license modification suggests they are moving away from Futronics as their radio shop to Lima Radio Hospital, and that they are switching frequencies. On the application, 453.825 is being replaced by 460.0375.
So, if you are somebody that monitors Fremont PD, you may want to program in 460.0375 , as a DMR frequency, because they are likely going to be switching. And you can't just assume once they do switch that they will be using the same color code, TGID, Slot combination.
This app is pending as of 12-12-2020 : ULS Application - Public Safety Pool, Conventional - 0009310229 - FREMONT, CITY OF - Transaction Log