"I remember fondly me and my CB friends busting into the basement of the John List house a few days after he murdered his entire family. My friend got the best souvenir .... he stole the mailbox off the house!"
I think Michael B. AKA Wizard was the one who told me about it.
You weren't a fulminator when I knew you and I think I pretty much have you pegged with that last and best clue of all, eh Richie? I think we have several friends in common, one in particular, Bill N2CNK. I must say one thing, back in the CB days Garwood was pretty weird and those Ryan twins? (;->)
Guys, all I can say is I was the Frankenstein of the neighborhood terrorizing the town folk with loud explosions and smoke by day and flashing blue light and electrical noises by night. When the other kids were making home runs out front I was making monsters out back.
"I can relate, but it's a different culture now. If you send your kids out to play now, they might not come back."
Not really, I was told all the usual cautions, don't talk to strangers, watch for cars cruising the neighborhood, all that stuff. Nothing has changed but your paranoia fed by sensational "shock" reporting by the media and the reporting TO the media. Years ago the reporters never even picked up on it because the police and the town folk refused to talk about things then thought of as shameful or shocking. I never heard of such things happening in my town when I was a kid and I read the local paper and listened to the local radio station. I only found out many years later that Loraina Bobbit wasn't the first lady with a knife, the butcher downtown got his removed when I was in my early teens. As for the kids, they're a lot smarter than you give them credit for and if one isn't the rest of the group is. That's why I was never allowed out alone until I was a teenager and still we always hung out in groups. Trust them, they trust you.