Well that sucks. This hole ENC on PD disp is crap. I get it on narcotics, surveillance and ESU channels but dispatch is stupid.
And I agree as well. Very well put in plain, simple terms.
But let's look into this a little bit more.
As we open the history books on one of Connecticut's most serious incidents that have occurred over the last few years or so. One that comes to mind actually happened in Middletown. That incident was the Kleen Energy Blast that happened only a few years ago in February, 2010. That was a MASSIVE EXPLOSION that I believe took the lives of 5 or 6 people. It was a MASSIVE Operation of combined efforts by the Fire Dept, Police Dept, EMS and Hospitals, Utilities Co., and I'm sure countless others.
1) Was there any serious radio problems encountered during this operation.
2) Were the numerous responding organizations able to communicate and some how get this MASSIVE Operation accomplished.
3) Was there ONE Incident Commander, or his/her representative able to communicate effectively with their own organizations.
I am under the impression that there wasn't too much of a problem in communications. Could one mutual aid channel for major events such as this, assigned to these organizations have been able to take care of it, if there was ?
Let's also look into the idea of the Middletown FD responding automatic aid into the Town of Portland. One year to the day, on December 10, 2015 the Hartford Courant ran a story in which the Mayor of Middletown discussed the need for the consolidation of Middletown and Portland for fire service. Throughout that entire article, many things are mentioned, but it was NEVER mentioned about Portland being required to purchase an entirely new radio system.
How is the Portland and Middletown FDs able to communicate now ? Is it a workable plan ? Is Middletown being sold an entirely new Unnecessary Radio System like so many other cities and towns have ? Where has this new radio system in our state played a large impact so far and proven itself to be the right way to accomplish these goals ?
Of course we can ALWAYS put the blame on our 911 Dispatchers for not knowing how to use these new systems. But here is where I put the blame.
I put the blame on those that are pushing so strongly to get our cities and towns to convert over. I put the blame on those who line their pockets taking our tax dollars to satisfy their own needs. Those who push these radio systems on our cities and towns that really have had NO PROBLEMS with their radio systems, including a place like Middletown. A place that had one of the largest disasters in Connecticut in recent history. Yet somehow was able to function WITHOUT these new radio systems. .
We are all welcomed to our own thoughts here. These are just mine. Yours are welcomed as well.