well... I can't answer authoritatively any more. Here's the scoop.
A submission was made to the DB recently stating that Gaston's talkgroups had gone silent. Since there was no better place to put the info, I added it to the System Info box. The submission said "Listen for the 8xxx uints" -- hwoever, as pdxbofh states, the 8xxx units are Cornelius!
In a private email exchange however, I remembered that Gaston has never had it's own dispatcher or dispatch talkgroups; they were originally dispatched by the West Cities dispatcher, until Hillsboro took over the West Cities talkgroups as their own several years ago.
At that time, all of the former West Cities departments (except Hillsboro, obviously) began getting dispatched by WCSO on SO-1 and SO-2.
I'm going to temporarily remove the notation from the WCCCA system until we get some better information as to what really happened.
(Is Gaston 38xx units? I'm going to have to find my old list about which units correspond to which agency in Washington County...)