Is Gila Bend FD still using their 155.0550-153.9650 repeater? Their WQEC941 license expired in 2015, per the RRDB. I haven't checked the ULS to see if they're licensed for anything else.
I believe it's because they don't want HIPAA-protected stuff out in the clear.Why are they encrypting their calls? With very few specific exceptions (VIP visits, SWAT standby), I don't understand an FD using encryption.
The rule is more about who is involved. For example, as an EMT I can listen into the hospital channel and hear other units call in. Even if that channel is encrypted- which nationwide we are seeing a lot of in EMS- if someone puts out HIPPA protected information on that cannel and I listen, that in itself is a violation as I am not directly involved in that patients care. So encrypted or not, Protected Health Information protected by HIPPA cannot be given out over radio channels.Although there is a specific exemption in the HIPPA rules for radio communications, that's what cell phones are for, or the encrypted medic-to-hospital TG's.
But you don't give names out, or other personally identifiable information, in the first place. Even on the old UHF EMSCOMM channels. Go watch episodes of, "Emergency!". It was always gender, age, and medical complaint, followed by vitals, even in the late 60's and early 70's, when paramedic programs first started.