Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.80 (BREW; Opera Mini/6.0.3/27.2354; U; en) Presto/2.8.119 320X240 LG VN530)
If you have family or friends you'd like to be able to keep in touch with, as a backup to cell phones, and they're not inclined to study for a Ham license, then I'd say apply for a GMRS license. But if you're just looking for random people to talk to, then Ham radio (or even CB radio or the MURS) would be the better choice.
Having access to several different services, each with their pros and cons, in my opinion, is a good thing. Amateur, CB, 49MHz, MURS, FRS, GMRS, TriSquare eXRS, Motorola DTR are all radios/radio services that I have or want to have access to.
I have a handheld CB and a pair of 5 channel 49 MHz handhelds from Radio Shack, a Dakota Alert MURS handheld, a pair of GE FRS handhelds, and a pair of TriSquare handhelds, in addition to the GMRS radios mentioned earlier, and an Icom W32A dual-band HT, a Standard (Yaesu-Vertex) C558A dual-band HT (that needs repair), and a Kenwood TM-D700A mobile (that is not currently installed in a vehicle or at home). I'd like a pair of the Motorola DTR radios, and Icom has a new wifi radio system out, although I'm not sure if it's available in the US yet. (There's a thread or two about them elsewhere in the forums.)
Having multiple options, to me, is a good thing, even if I'm not all that active on the air