PD and FD are mostly not encrypted as asaf2000 said, sometimes there are Talkgroups that are, but they have nothing to do with regional dispatch. I just added some regional talkgroups to RRDB(Mostly central Israel) so you can check it out when you're here.
Equipment wise, you can bring any SDR\Police scanner only if your devices are Receiving RF only, Transceivers and transmitters will not pass
customs. If you have a recognized international amateur ham radio license you can always get in contact with the Israeli Minister of communication about a local Israeli license which then will, depending on your Israeli license ranking(1,2 and 3 being the higher) you may, or may not have the eligibility to bring your own transmitting hardware. So as long your scanner\other devices are Receiving RF only, you're good.
I hope you'll enjoy the visit.