OK, the HF band is probably the only chunk of spectrum below 2GHz that I have not explored yet. I bought a little $10 all-band radio that included the shortwave bands on a lark and, well, it works like a $10 paperweight - no big surprise there. :roll: So it's time to get serious.
What do you seasoned pro's recommend? I'd like to monitor milair and other interesting fun stuff. Also I live in an apartment, so that apartment antenna thread made for some good reading - thanks to all for that. I'm looking to get started for less than $200 - that's about all the Budget Master (AKA my wife) will allow right now.
What do you seasoned pro's recommend? I'd like to monitor milair and other interesting fun stuff. Also I live in an apartment, so that apartment antenna thread made for some good reading - thanks to all for that. I'm looking to get started for less than $200 - that's about all the Budget Master (AKA my wife) will allow right now.