Been down through Granbury & Stephenville three times in the last couple of months and have listened to the GRRS (in ID search mode) on my SDS100. Aside fom the talkgroup nd5y mentioned, the database is still accurate.
I did pick up activity on a few other talkgroups not currently listed in the database:
1054 - Hood County Fire. Automated dispatch. Remember hearing Station 20 (North Hood County Fire) being dispatched to a call.
1055 - Hood County Fire. Automated dispatch. Can't remember what department was dispatched though.
4008? - I believe the last digit was 8, if I remember correctly. Given the fact that the TG is in the 4000's, I'm assuming that would make it a TG used by TSU. Didn't hear enough information to discern it's exact usage though.
I have not submitted any of the above TG's to the database as I didn't feel I had enough information to confirm their exact usage. And being that I was driving at the time, I couldn't exactly drive and write stuff down at the same time. Not safely anyway... LOL! The information on the TG's above is based solely on my interpretation of what I heard on my scanner at the time. And of course some basic deduction of who and what was being dispatched.
And like nd5y, I can't pick the up the GRSS from my home location. At home I have the SDS200 connected to an external antenna that's inside my house. The Hood County Simulcast site has a tower in between Granbury and Cresson, which from my location just outside of Keene (Johnson County) I would think I should be able to hit that tower. I can pick up other trunked systems (Parker County as one example) from my house that are further away, but for some reason it's a no go for the GRRS.