I am curious what frequency/tone you're monitoring to hear Great America Security.
I know there are frequencies/tones here:
...but I just got back from a monitoring session with my HP-1. I'll submit an update next week. But there were some changes from this 2016 data, and some changes from what I had monitored before...
490.1625 was totally dead. The database had it marked with a 146.2Hz tone. I had it with 141.3Hz. After a lot of silence, I took off the tone and put the frequency in tone search and didn't hear a thing.
I did hear "Security 2 / Chat" on 462.0/156.7Hz (db has it as 162.2Hz). But no other security. It makes me wonder if they've moved security dispatch somewhere else? The user mentioned something about telling Security 1 and 3. So there are presumably two more security channels.
I took a look at the licenses and didn't see anything new. Maybe Security transitioned to DMR?
Does anyone have any information about what is going on with radios at Great America?