Bad News For Folks In Greene County....
Departments That Have Already Gone To UHF Narrowband NexEDGE Are Greene County Rescue Squad, Paragould Police Department, Paragould Fire Department, Greene County Sheriff's Department (99% of traffic but not all) and Arkansas Methodist Medical Center and CANNOT be monitored on any scanner under any circumstances as there is NO scanner on market today (and not one that will be made in the future I'm Told) that will monitor this system(s)... For others that are left, They've gone to narrowband VHF, However from what I'm hearing after the first of the year one by one the others will be changing over to VHF NexEDGE as well, By Mid 2013 all of Greene County Plans to be Narrowband NexEDGE either UHF of VHF and at this point.. NOTHING will be able to be heard in Greene Co. except Ham Radio and NOAA frequencies...Sorry for the inconvieniece but that's a county/department decision and not one that anyone can do anything about....Not sure it's a good idea but again, That's what's going on here...
Departments That Have Already Gone To UHF Narrowband NexEDGE Are Greene County Rescue Squad, Paragould Police Department, Paragould Fire Department, Greene County Sheriff's Department (99% of traffic but not all) and Arkansas Methodist Medical Center and CANNOT be monitored on any scanner under any circumstances as there is NO scanner on market today (and not one that will be made in the future I'm Told) that will monitor this system(s)... For others that are left, They've gone to narrowband VHF, However from what I'm hearing after the first of the year one by one the others will be changing over to VHF NexEDGE as well, By Mid 2013 all of Greene County Plans to be Narrowband NexEDGE either UHF of VHF and at this point.. NOTHING will be able to be heard in Greene Co. except Ham Radio and NOAA frequencies...Sorry for the inconvieniece but that's a county/department decision and not one that anyone can do anything about....Not sure it's a good idea but again, That's what's going on here...