pinhead said:
I tryed that but if i turn the sq all the way down i can go up an down 1 to 7 but all i hear is white noise. an i tryed three kind's of antenn' when i get to wx 7 an turn the sq back up, it go's back to ......WX3. I don't unstand it. my pro 95 an pro 2053 hit wx an boom the weather is there. on 162.55 the psr does nothing. an i have read the manual step by step.doe's this thing need to be sent in for repair.or is there sume kind of seting that iam missing.
I think that it's set up to "lock on" to the strongest frequency, and if if doesn't think an alternate frequency is strong enough, it doesn't let you switch. It just may be that the PSR500 is having trouble locking real signal of that "strongest frequency" in a way other scanners aren't.
I had this same issue come up when I took my Pro-95 to Chicago. Even though there are several weather frequencies around there, the WX button would only let me "lock in" on one of them, and reception was barely audible.
What you might want to do is enter all of the area weather frequencies manually just to test how the PSR500 receives them. If they're coming in much stronger "manually" than through the WX function, then there may be some setting in the WX function that's interfering with it. Or, maybe there's local interference from something or the other.