I've noticed that there are 3 or maybe 4 distinct users of this frequency in handheld range of my home, so last night I let the TRX-1 record. From 4am to noon, there were 80 transmissions.
We have a Kroger and Food Lion right across the road from each other, and they appear to be using this freq with PL 100.0 and DCS 412 respectively. Neither 100% confirmed, but I'm hearing these same freq/code combinations near other locations of their respective stores. The action starts up around 6-7am.
Funny aside: I thought that the 467.85 [d412] was further away in a different direction, but now I think I was probably hearing yet ANOTHER Food Lion that's yes--only about a mile away as the crow flies. It came up again this afternoon as I was sipping coffee at the Sheetz in Tappahannock. I quickly looked around, and sure enough there was a Food Lion sign.
After 9am, 467.85 [94.8] kicks in. This user is a little more distant, and that distance may be causing me to think that there's a fourth user with no squelch code. (the scanner may be missing the PL due to the extra noise on the signal) It would be hilarious if this turned out to be the new Aldi grocery store that just opened up by the others. I'm guessing Aldi because of apparent signal strength. Of course, there's also a Rite-Aid and a Pet Smart at comparable distances. Will try to visit all in the next week or so to see if employees are sporting some fashion earwear.
Thank heaven for the capture effect. All three of these stores (if Aldi is indeed user#3) are closer to each other than they are to me, and I'm hearing handheld radios that they wear on their waists and talk into with that Target-style inline mic. Nice job, TRX-1. Just wish I had this kind of recording capability 30 years ago!
73/Allen (N4JRI)
We have a Kroger and Food Lion right across the road from each other, and they appear to be using this freq with PL 100.0 and DCS 412 respectively. Neither 100% confirmed, but I'm hearing these same freq/code combinations near other locations of their respective stores. The action starts up around 6-7am.
Funny aside: I thought that the 467.85 [d412] was further away in a different direction, but now I think I was probably hearing yet ANOTHER Food Lion that's yes--only about a mile away as the crow flies. It came up again this afternoon as I was sipping coffee at the Sheetz in Tappahannock. I quickly looked around, and sure enough there was a Food Lion sign.
After 9am, 467.85 [94.8] kicks in. This user is a little more distant, and that distance may be causing me to think that there's a fourth user with no squelch code. (the scanner may be missing the PL due to the extra noise on the signal) It would be hilarious if this turned out to be the new Aldi grocery store that just opened up by the others. I'm guessing Aldi because of apparent signal strength. Of course, there's also a Rite-Aid and a Pet Smart at comparable distances. Will try to visit all in the next week or so to see if employees are sporting some fashion earwear.
Thank heaven for the capture effect. All three of these stores (if Aldi is indeed user#3) are closer to each other than they are to me, and I'm hearing handheld radios that they wear on their waists and talk into with that Target-style inline mic. Nice job, TRX-1. Just wish I had this kind of recording capability 30 years ago!
73/Allen (N4JRI)