I got a surprise this morning. Yesterday my groups file was over 1000 lines, today it had 12 records! All were for the system I am currently monitoring. In the past the file had records for 6 or more systems. Same with my radios file. All aliases were gone in both files. I tried restoring files from my backup system, restoring to some different locations, not the original locations. All the backup groups files only had a dozen groups for the current system. I have used 3 different text editors, and 3 different restore to locations, and even with DSDplus not running I get the same result!
I hope someone can explain how and why!
Fastlane 2.465
I do not use site loader, CC freq is in FMP24-CC.bat
I hope someone can explain how and why!
Fastlane 2.465
I do not use site loader, CC freq is in FMP24-CC.bat