Chances are "work" will soon be on nxdn or dmr/trbo soon too and then you can once again listen.... maybe.Well..... another one down the tubes as far as monitoring goes. First it was McDuffie County going to NXDN, Gold Cross switched to MotoTrbo, then Columbia County went to phase II P25 encrypted, and now Grovetown went NXDN. My monitoring hobby is dwindling down more and more. Using a computer, soundcard, and software to monitor NXDN and/or MotoTrbo is not feasible for me as 98% of my monitoring is done mobile and via my handheld at work. )))
The big push to go digital was the narrowbanding mandate. And not just the one to the current 12.5khz narrowband specification but also to a future 6.25 khz "Very narrowband" requirement. That... and they kinda sell themselves. NXDN and DMR are not real expensive radios. With DMR, one repeater literally does the job of two. It's easily networkable. If you've got a lot of places in the coverage area that are marginally or even barely useable on analogue, with digital, those become loud and clear with no static whatsoever. And a number of police departments (particularly the small town rural departments with zero homeland security threat) like that you can hide behind a layer of cheap encryption to conceal one's activities.(((Why the big rush/push to go digital? )))
(((Not just any digital but formats that can't be monitored with a scanner? I'm about to give up on this hobby, it's becoming too much of a PITA.
I have done some listening online and the digital stream sounds more like MotoTRBO than NXDN. What kind of inexpensive radio can be used to monitor?
It is 12.5 kHz spaced Nexedge. I am researching an inexpensive solution for monitoring. I would like to be under $200. Then I can monitor McDuffie, too.