HAARP activity, March 26 to 29, 2019, Ghost in the Air Glow

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Jun 18, 2010
Mojave Desert, California, USA
Keep in mind I am just a listener, and while I have worked professionally in the world of RF for most of my adult life I have never had anything first hand to do with HAARP. The following are just my observations.

From March 26 to March 29, 2019, HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) conducted a series of experiments. While an interesting radio happening, this is not particularly uncommon, occasionally HAARP shakes the dusts off and does a few days of science.

But this series had a bit of a twist over past experiments.

To do some of the science it does HAARP uses sweeping tones, stepped tones, continuous tones, or CW. And by CW I mean Continuous Wave, an unmodulated carrier transmitted for extended periods, not Morse Code, as the term CW has become in the radio world. And while these types of modulation are common with HAARP, they are not the only things that would get the job done.

Amanda Dawn Christie, an "interdisciplinary artist" ( About — amanda dawn christie ) was closely involved this time. And she added a different twist to the typical HAARP experiments. Instead of the more canned techniques most often (but not always, HAARP has done some odd audio before) used in the past for Air Glow and Luxembourg types of experiments, she brought a series of art based audio and images.

The series was called "Ghost in the Air Glow". It consisted of 10 Movements, adding up to about one hour of total air time each of the four days. Descriptions and schedules here Ghosts in the Air Glow

Don't take it wrong, for the most part pretty standard HAARP science appears to have been done, but the content was a bit more varied than typical.

I made SDR based I/Q recordings of every minute of each transmission for all 4 days. Unfortunately, propagation and other variables made some of the segments pretty poor recordings. But over that time I did manage to get at least one decent copy of each of the 10 Movements.

I have converted them to video recordings and uploaded them to my Youtube channel ( FirstToken ). Any transmission involving 2 frequencies (such as the several Luxembourg experiments) are recorded using stereo sound, so that the lower RF frequency is in the left audio channel, and the upper RF frequency is in the right audio channel.

Movement I, II, and III:

Movement IV:

Movement V:

Movement VI:

Movement VII:

Movement VIII:
HAARP, Ghost in the Air Glow, Movement VIII, 28 March, 2019, 0839 UTC

Movement IX:
HAARP, Ghost in the Air Glow, Movement IX, 27 March, 2019, 0246 UTC

Movement X:
HAARP, Ghost in the Air Glow, Movement X, 27 March, 2019, 0256 UTC

A few notes on some of the receptions:

The first video, Movement I, II, and III consists of a Prelude, a poem (in Morse code), and a description (again, in Morse code) of the methodology used in the later Stochistic experiment (Movement IV).

Movement VIII is a Luxembourg event. The HAARP array was split in two and two counter rotating beams were formed, with a rate of about 2 revolutions per minute. You can clearly hear the mixing of the two RF channels, the Luxembourg effect, happening about twice per minute in the left audio channel.

Movement X is another transmission of Morse. In this case a bit of a poem, but maybe a description also. This Morse leads me to believe that there is WSPR (a low bandwidth ham weak signal digital mode) buried in the transmissions. But I have not yet attempted to locate it in the recordings, maybe this coming weekend ;)

All recordings were done on local SDRs, I mean SDRs physically located at my home. Multiple SDRs were in use at any one time, typically the SDRs in use consisted of WinRadio G33DDC, WinRadio G31DDC, RFSpace NetSDR, and 2 RFSpace SDR-IQs. However, not for any specific reason, all of the recordings I chose to convert to video came off either the NetSDR or one of the two SDR-IQs. The antennas used were a Wellbrook 1530+, a 450 foot apex-to-apex Rhombic, and a triband fan dipole. Again, for no particular reason, all of the recordings I converted to video came off the fan dipole.

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Dec 25, 2008
New Zealand
Hi Mike - how did you know this 'event' was coming up? If I had known about it, I would have been set up too, just to see what I could get down here.
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