Does anyone have a current patrol beat map for Hagerstown PD, that would show what general areas the units patrol in?
Since the repeater channels are 1-3 and channel 6 refers to talkaround on channel 3, it's a safe bet to assume that channels 4-6 are all talkaround for the repeaters. Can anyone actually confirm this as a fact?
Nearly 15 years ago, I asked an HPD officer how many channels they had (they had the same system then that they do today), and he told me they had six channels. As has been mentioned in
another thread, the county is apparently setting up several repeaters on the 800 MHz interoperability channels, so there is the possibility that they have added those channels to their radios. Any information on this?
And then for general information, I think it's helpful to know where HPD usually sits, at least on busy nights like weekends. I don't know about other areas of the city, but I know there are usually a few units sitting at the Cancun Cantina West by the Clarion Hotel on the Dual Highway on Friday and Saturday nights. I believe it's a convenient spot for them since it's right there on the Dual and they are close to that bar for any incidents that may arise, considering the place is usually very busy during those times.