I was working a shift at the fire station a couple months ago, and we had to goto the local thrift store for an alarm. anyway I noticed that there was a box with a little handheld 2m/70 cm for $10.00 (Radio Shack HTX-245) so I went back and picked it up the next day just for kicks. When I was a kid I was in the Civil Air Patrol, and we took our Novice tests ( even had to learn Morse Code back then) so we could use the packet system (?) I never did get into the Ham stuff back then other then using it so I could fly my R/C airplanes on the Ham bands, and it is long expired by now. Flash forward, Last week I was cleaning out my truck and found the box with the radio behind the seat. I kinda have the bug to take the test. I seem to be doing well with that QRZ online test, and think when I get some time I will go and take it, but I have the bug to buy a moble/Base rig... Im thinking Tri-band. The RACES guys have a little station set up where I work in the dispatch center and other then this little HT I have never really seen anything Ham before. At the RACES station there is a ICOM IC 38a, Kenwood TM441A, and another Icom IC229H. I kinda like the looks of the little Kenwood. I also would like to get another hand held that may take a better beating Im thinking Icom, or Yeasu...
Are there even any stores local to the Everett area that I can go and look at other radio's?, I also would like to get a better antenna for this little thing I picked up. It looks like it was brand new, and never used, but it needs SMA ( ? ) type antenna. Also, anybody know where I would look to see who offers the test, When/Where?..
Sorry for the Noob type questions, but I gotta ask somewhere.
Are there even any stores local to the Everett area that I can go and look at other radio's?, I also would like to get a better antenna for this little thing I picked up. It looks like it was brand new, and never used, but it needs SMA ( ? ) type antenna. Also, anybody know where I would look to see who offers the test, When/Where?..
Sorry for the Noob type questions, but I gotta ask somewhere.