Ham Radio Deluxe & Scanner Control

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Premium Subscriber
Jun 19, 2008
Rockville, Maryland
Having used this fantastic program to control my Yaesu FT-950 among other things, I wonder if it is capable of controlling a PSR600? Any ideas?


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
You have GOT to be kidding! HRD is set up for amateur (and some listening) apps, and has nothing to do with scanning. Stick with the tried and true threesome - ARC500, Win500 or PSRedit500. 73 Mike


Premium Subscriber
Jun 19, 2008
Rockville, Maryland
No, I am not kidding and quite frankly am some what put off by your comment. Having used HRD for several years with Kenwood and Yaesu HF radios, I envision many applications it could fill in the world of scanning.

HRD has grown over the years and continues to do so as new modes and radios come available. I see no reason why it or a reasonable facsimile thereof could not be suited for use with scanners.


Mar 31, 2007
Jackson Square, East Weymouth, MA.
No, I am not kidding and quite frankly am some what put off by your comment. Having used HRD for several years with Kenwood and Yaesu HF radios, I envision many applications it could fill in the world of scanning.

HRD has grown over the years and continues to do so as new modes and radios come available. I see no reason why it or a reasonable facsimile thereof could not be suited for use with scanners.

You have an awful lot to learn about radios and software. For one thing Every radio today has software that generally only works with a specific radio. Ham Radio Deluxe is a sound card device which does have serial port control of the push to talk circuitry in your ham radio device. Scanner programs are used to program scanners, an entirely different animal. Just because they are Microsoft Windows based programs does not mean they can all be the all in one do it for everything program. There are adapters for things like Ham Radio Deluxe that will allow your ham radio gear to operate. But when it comes to scanners, there is usually only one or two products for a given, read, one radio.

I find his (ka3jjz) comment to be right on the money, but you don't see it that way. He wasn't being argumentative, he was being honest, even though he didn't explain it to you. I frankly have learned much in my nearly 40 years in the Amateur Radio and scanning hobbies, and still learn more every day, but there is one thing that many do know, and that is mixing apples with oranges only gives you a little fruit punch, it may taste good, but it doesn't do everything for you. Use software that is specific to the programming of scanners and ham radio programs specific to ham radio gear.

And have a Happy New Year.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 19, 2008
Rockville, Maryland
I really don't think this needs to become a pissing match. Therefore I will no longer buy into the attempts. I'm a big boy, have a set and know when and when not to use it.

I have no interest in using HRD for programming. My thoughts are for radio control and possible decoding...period. The control programs out there now, at least the ones I have experience with fall short especially with display. HRD has a huge readout which allows me to read it from the other side of the room. I cannot do that with the tiny displays in the current scanner control programs. In fact, the displays I have seen are not much larger than the radio display itself, in this case a PSR600. The HRD user can modify the control sliders yadda, yadda, yadda. It does a lot more than scanner controllers can do and IT IS FREE. There are no decent scanner control programs, in my opinin, that can make that claim.

I realize no one program will suit the needs of all users. What I am trying to accomplish with this posting is to open discussion about what others think about the potential future versatility of HRD and scanners, not be shot down for alledgedly knowing nothing about radios and radio software.

I have been a very active ham for over 25 years and have been interested in radio since I was a pre-teen. I am no expert when it comes to software, radio or otherwise. I do however, consider myself very well versed with radios particularly of the amatuer variety. Admittedly, digital trunk scanning is relatively new to me (about three years worth of off and on listening).

HRD has a logging program. HRD does digital encoding and decoding (PSK31, etc.), HRD does radio control, etc, etc. Given this short list of it's amateur capabilities (I realize there is much more, I am trying to make a point), why could it or a version of it be modified or created to perform similar tasks for scanners? My understanding of HRD is that it is basically a group of programs rolled together under the HRD umbrella which enables the user to combine several tasks on one computer. Right? So, why not do this for scanners. My first thought would be decoding...the list is endless just in that department alone! Then of course there is radio control.

What do I not understand? I think you guys might be looking at my idea with blinders on.


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
You have to keep in mind that the markets are far different in both their applications and intent. There ARE programs out there to do certain kinds of digital decoding (and in fact, some of them decode modes that are contrary to US law, no matter how ridiculous the law happens to be). But to develop something that is as comprehensive as HRD for the scanner market would likely be way too expensive to contemplate, and likely as not, be for too narrow a market to make it financially feasible.

If you want to see better apps for scanners, support the one(s) you find most applicable to your needs, and suggest - sometimes it takes a push - for changes and improvements. Realize that there are some things that simply can't - or won't, dependent on the application and the environment, political or otherwise - be done.

73 and Happy New Year...Mike


May 5, 2005
North Central Texas
What do I not understand? I think you guys might be looking at my idea with blinders on.

I see nothing wrong with your idea.

But you have to remember you are talking to members of a hobby that had to be forced by government action to let go of Morse code 25 years after the commercial world dropped it. That single comment will ignite a firestorm of criticism and the flame wars will start because some have decided that is sacred ground and to even mention removing Morse as a requirement is blasphemy. Same as back in the old spark gap days. When the FCC banned it, there was an outcry and people started grabbing pitch forks and torches. Before any attack my stance, I was an Advanced license holder before Morse was dropped. And I got there by starting with a Novice license. I will NOT even read your rantings about the wonders of Morse code. If we had dropped it 30 years ago, we MIGHT still be leading the way in radio communications innovation. But it was such a struggle for so many that it became a rite of passage. "If you can't receive CW you are not a *real* ham operator" is a line of BS. I could say the same about computer ops. Wonder how many would accept "If you can't run a packet station, you are not a real ham"? None, I would venture.

Now, let the flames fly, it will just increase the size of my "ignore" list. You want to discuss it sanely, we will start another thread. But back to the topic at hand.

That being said, I would like to see a nice scanner control program. The limiting factor would be what could be exchanged between the scanner and the computer for the display. Audio would have to be fed through a separate line as most scanner control cables do not contain an audio feed line. You really would not need the audio feed unless you were trying to decode the MDT transmissions or record the audio. I don't believe even the newest digital scanners will receive the digital MDT data. There may be a law against it, not sure. The actual functions of the scanner can be controlled easily with various scanner programming softwares. I use Win500 with my Pro-197 and the control interface is rather spartan to say the least. It is fully functional but just not very appealing to the eye. The display is small and not very visible. The interface page is bland. The remote client screen can be enlarged but then you have the hassle of setting up a remote client on the very computer the scanner is connected to. Not very efficient but that is the way it is.

If the chap that built HRD can set it up to control that many different radios, I see no reason why someone with a modicum of software intelligence could not do the same thing with scanners. And to top it off, HRD is offered for free. To sum up my post, no one is willing to do the same thing for scanner owners unless you are willing to pay for the privilege.


Aug 29, 2004
Central Texas
My first thought when I read the original post, was to use it to decode signals from a scanner. There may even be a way to use it with an adapter to read the freq, or maybe even to input freq's to the scanner. Just because it was originally designed for Amateur Radio use, doesn't mean it has to stay there, unless that is part of the license to use the software... Why should we as Hams stop someone else from experimenting in another hobby? I don't care one way or the other what anyonne uses it for, how they use it, or whether or not it works. Now, by all means, if it does work, or there is info posted on adapters etc, I'll read about it, and if I feel it will help me, I'll try to use it. Also, if I find something that works for me, I'll post that info, and let others try it. The only reason we become stagnant, and don't move, is because something sour gets the fermentation started, and it all spoils... If you DON'T want to try it, DO NOT DO IT!!! But, let others try, offer up any info you do have that may help out, and DON'T cut them short for trying. And I've been fooling with this experimental stuff for OVER 40 years. Some of it works, a LOT of it doesn't. When it's too cold to go outside, I can sit in here, and try again.


May 5, 2005
North Central Texas
Having used this fantastic program to control my Yaesu FT-950 among other things, I wonder if it is capable of controlling a PSR600? Any ideas?

I have found, imbedded inside the zip file for PSRedit, a nice little remote program called PSRctl500. It is an external control pad for the PSR500/600 scanners and their clones. It offers a nice enlarged screen for those of us with less acute vision. I don't know if it stops working after the PSRedit trial period or not but it beats my current options.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 19, 2008
Rockville, Maryland
I have found, imbedded inside the zip file for PSRedit, a nice little remote program called PSRctl500. It is an external control pad for the PSR500/600 scanners and their clones. It offers a nice enlarged screen for those of us with less acute vision. I don't know if it stops working after the PSRedit trial period or not but it beats my current options.

I have used this program and do find it simple to use but the display is still a bit smaller than I would like it to be.

By the way Fred, I had a nice response to your previous comments put together yesterday but somehow lost it so was unable to post. I will try later to put it back together...I am hung up with football games at the moment!
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