okccsi said:
II don't think these guys do it online though. He had a Fedex envelope with him and it looked as if completed items were going in it. If they mailed it in like that, it could be a few more days.
I don't know of any VECs that have their VE teams do the data entry. I volunteer with the Norman club (
http://w5nor.org/) and we are accredited with the ARRL VEC. We send the paperwork off to the ARRL VEC via courier. They check all the paperwork and then electronically forward the info to the FCC. Once it's in FCC database, you're good to go (you don't have to wait for the paper any more - another tradition gone!).
Our sessions are on a Thursday night (I missed this month!), and Jim gets them in the mail that night or Friday morning. If it's Express Mail from the Postal Service, it's in Newington Saturday and should be in Monday's batch. Give the FCC a day or two, and it should be in the big database by Wednesday or Thursday (add another day to show up at QRZ.com, et al).
If you count on 10 days from the day of the test, you shouldn't be disappointed (when I took my test in 1991, the wait was 10 *weeks*).
Oh, and congrats!