Does anyone know a source for Harris RF-550 receiver parts?
I've had a failure of the VFO/BFO/Translator module (Harris part nr. A2A15, which consistes of two boards, A2A15A1 and A2A15A2).
I could use any or all of those parts or the Harris part nr. MRK-1001-0189 extender cable which would allow me to trouble shoot the failed module
Or a source for the Wnichester Electronics plug and socket part nrs. MRAC20PN7 and MCAC20SN7, which would allow me to make-up my own extender cable..
The Wincheater Elect. site no longer lists those part nrs. nor does Allied, Digikey or Mouser
Good dxing, fellows -
Bill, W5CQ
I've had a failure of the VFO/BFO/Translator module (Harris part nr. A2A15, which consistes of two boards, A2A15A1 and A2A15A2).
I could use any or all of those parts or the Harris part nr. MRK-1001-0189 extender cable which would allow me to trouble shoot the failed module
Or a source for the Wnichester Electronics plug and socket part nrs. MRAC20PN7 and MCAC20SN7, which would allow me to make-up my own extender cable..
The Wincheater Elect. site no longer lists those part nrs. nor does Allied, Digikey or Mouser
Good dxing, fellows -
Bill, W5CQ