Who knows what Harris/GE engineers are thinking?
Radios that get stuck in program mode if you forget to JUMP them when reading or writing to them using radio maintenance tools. Radios where they can forget how to use their own control head (LOST MRU) in the event of a glitch. Color me NOT impressed.
The round connector is probably more expensive than a molex type. So they come up with a solution in the form of an adapter cable that has one of each on it, that you have to put between your speaker and your control head rather than just make the speaker with the same round connector that's on the adapter cable!
And then they forget, or don't even bother, to put a simple audio output on the back of the radio chassis. The simplest cable that can extract speaker audio from a dashmount M7300 or XG100M is over a hundred dollars and it's a big bundle of wire, of which a speaker pigtail is just a tiny part of it. A cheap and simple speaker audio cable from Harris for an M7300 does not exist. You have to make your own with a custom wired DB44 plug and some speaker wire and a molex cable....or hardwire the speaker to the DB44.
Harris is supposed to be such a great engineering company but stuff like that makes that notion hard to believe.