I was afraid of that so I need to upgrade to a digital scanner is the new uniden worth the money paid also what kind of antenna works best for these digital frequencies. Thanks for the help.
Well, there are several Uniden scanners that were introduced into the market within the last three or four years. The most expensive models aren't actually the newest. I have a BCD436, which is the more expensive handheld. However, I bought it because it does a little better on simulcast P25 systems. If you're just planning to monitor at home and not on travel, you don't have to deal with simulcast or what is known as P25 Phase 2. So you may want to consider a less expensive scanner. I don't have firsthand experience with one, but a BCD996P2 should work fine on the WV digital trunking system. So would a Whistler WS-1065, which is less expensive than the Uniden options. Then there are used scanners which would work also - Uniden BCD996T, BCD996XT, Home Patrol 1, Radio Shack PRO-197, Radio Shack PRO-2096, and GRE PSR-500, to name a few. Again, those suggestions are based on monitoring around your area - monitoring in certain other locations may require scanners with additional capabilities.
Regarding antennas, that depends on how close you are to the transmitters you want to monitor, whether you have the ability to erect an outdoor antenna or need to use an indoor antenna, etc.