Hello need help listening to a couple of scanner freqs on my new scanner

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Premium Subscriber
Feb 9, 2015
Hello need help listening to a couple of scanner freqs on my new scanner
I recently got a radioshack 651 digital trunk tracking handheld scanner to upgrade from a uniden bearcat that doesn't handle digital freqs.
and I am having a couple of issues trying to listen to some freqs I am trying to monitor like my local city police dept and my local county sheriff's dept.
maybe I am wrong or something but I used this for my local county freqs:
Jackson County, Florida (FL) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference
and when programming my new scanner with the data from radio reference db as I have a premium subscription to radioreference to make programming easy and its other benefits.
but maybe I am programming it wrong as the frequencies I am interested in these frequencies from the link above:
the sheriff dispatch channels that are in dmr mode but when it is programmed by arc 500 I think is the software I used
anyway could someone please tell me why it programmed them as fm not dmr like the db shows and how to fix it so I can listen to them?


Nov 3, 2004
Sorry but you can't use a scanner to listen to Jackson County Sheriff, Sneeds & Cottondale because they use Motorola MotoTRBO digital which means you'll have to buy a Motorola MotoTRBO radio that handles that type of digital. Other thing you can probably listen to is Fire Rescue/EMS, Emergency Department and Roads Department which is in Analog FM.

- Jamie
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