ALLMTR50 said:
Hello all, I live in Pasadena, MD I haven`t listened to my scanner in a few years, I have got the itch to start listening again. I have a Radio Shack Pro-91 right now, I was looking for some suggestions for a new handheld & I also would like to mount a scanner in my truck. I mostly listen to fire/police & a little avaition. I also like to listen when Im at the dragstrip.
I pulled up your county in the database and found this:
Anne Arundel County Public Safety is using a Motorola II Smartzone TRS
Fort Meade is using a 380mhz Motorola P25 Digital TRS and a 400mhz
Motorola II Smartnet TRS. The NSA at Ft. Meade is using a Motorola P25
Digital TRS.
I would highly suggest either a Radio Shack PRO-96 (handheld) or the
PRO-2096 (Mobile) Digital scanner. Or you could go for Uniden's newest
models which just came out this year (BCD396 handheld) and BCD996 mobile)
Either one of those will get you "in the know" around your area. If you're just
only interested in listening to Anne Arundel County agencies then you can get
by with a PRO-97 or any non-digital trunking scanner. Radioshack has a few.
But with more and more agencies going to digital you might want to consider
getting one with it.