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May 22, 2014
Cumberland, Ky
Name is Adam, from eastern Ky...

I got myself a Baofeng uv5a and am trying to manually program it to just listen and learn... I am trying to use the databases here for frequencies and tones but they aren't very explanatory, there's a few questions I have and I was wondering if you guys might be able to explain it to me or direct me to where I can understand about these things, a real idiots guide I suppose..

I have been watching allot on YouTube and trying to read and learn all I can.. I got the offsets, steps, and basics down, the tones and types is kind of aggravating me some.... Can ya help a man out? I know you probably get the same questions day after day, most stuff online automatically assumes you know what most things are and it's not easy or it doesn't cover what I am trying to learn.

Anyway, the arrows are what I am needed explained if ya can help! What is (type)? In a listing between the tone and license number?




Premium Subscriber
Feb 6, 2004
Louisville, KY
If you hover your mouse pointer over the column header, a little window opens which explains what the types stand for.

B - Base
M - Mobiles including handhelds
R - Repeater
F - Fixed (not often seen, usually for point to point relay purposes)


May 22, 2014
Cumberland, Ky
Thank for the reply bro!

Man I am having a time to get these channels to work!

For instance the local sheriff's frequency is 453.150 and 460.453, the 460 one has a dpl aka dcs of 743.

No matter what I try, I cannot receive any reception from either, When communication or keyed up I get a machine gun effect without any ctcss or dpl/dcs...... If the dpl/dcs is entered correctly like it calls for on the channel it keys up but no sound at all. The receive light lights up but no sound at all. Squelch is set at 5.

I know my Baofeng uv5ra is working correctly, and I hit the repeater 23 miles away with it when I keyed up to test a local ham club (frequency/repeater) to make sure the handheld is working correctly...

I have my steps set at 2.5 due to some of the local frequencies used like Johnsons lifecare ambulance service can be obtained with frequencies of 151.57250 and I am having problems receiving them as well even though they are using 60 and 100 watt systems less than 5 miles away! Same as the Sheriff channels inn that it keys up but no sound.

I am pretty sure the pl and dpl listings here on the databases are incorrect or the local services have changed their tones one...

I am pretty sure now I think of it that the 911 service runs through KSP post 10 then relayed through the ems and county service for emergency calls and I don't think the Baofeng can decode or deal with nac coding. Heck i'd be happy just to hear some normal chatter at least until I get my ham license in a few weeks.. Can't talk without it as ya know..

I don't know, any help is appreciated.... Not much I can do talk wise until I get my license, but I would love to listen, at least something to do with it...


Sep 1, 2005
Sounds like you need to purchase a scanner versus a Baofeng to monitor what your wanting to monitor. The reception on the uv5r is nothing like the reception your going to get on the scanner plus you can put in the frequency and it will find the pl/dpl/nac for you.

I have the uv5r and several scanners. The uv5r is solely used for ham radio just because the sensitivity is not there to work effectively as a scanner and everything where I live is digital.


Jul 6, 2001
Lexington, KY
All the KSP frequencies have been "digital" for many years. When you refer to NAC code, etc. you are talking Digital, not Analog. The uv5a is not a digital transceiver. If you want to listen to the KSP, get a Radio Shack Pro-106, like I use, or one of the other p25 capable scanners.. It will decode UNENCRYPTED P25 digital, which is what KSP is using right now. I don't know what your sheriff is using, but I would guess it is also probably digital.

The radio you have will transmit & receive over a wide amount of spectrum. It can be legally used for the ham bands (with license), but I would be very careful before trying to transmit OUTSIDE of the ham bands as you are (most likely) not licensed to do such.

Getting a ham license is not difficult these days.

Good Luck.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 6, 2004
Louisville, KY
The news is looking ominous.

Here is Harlan County's license information:
ULS License - Public Safety Pool, Conventional License - WPAW882 - HARLAN, COUNTY OF - Frequency 000453.15000000

You'll note they are licensed for emission type 4K00F1E along with a couple of others. That emission type is for Nexedge, which at this point cannot be decoded by any type of scanner. So I wouldn't be surprised if that "motor-boating" sound is that Nexedge signal.

Here's a link to a description of commonly used emission types:


May 22, 2014
Cumberland, Ky
Ii have been pulling in a bunch of signals lately, very very faint and I have to go outside to hear anything clear.

The frequencies of 152.4425, 460.062, 460.025, 152.405 Have been keying up good on my Baofeng which tells me that I think my antenna is a problem somewhat.... I ordered a Nagoya rh701, I thought about the rh771 but when tested against the 701 the difference was only slightly better on the uhf end and it was only a slight difference.. Also the comparison showed the 701 being right on par with the 771 on the vhf with little to no differences on receive quality...

I am guessing the digital system the KSP uses is those "trunked systems"???? I really need a place I can learn about those if anyone can point me to a F.A.Q for idiots on the understanding of trunked systems.

I am pretty sure the local guys use KSP post for dispatch due to the 911 system being at post 10 for this area.. From the repeater I think it might go unto the sheriffs frequencies in which I think are the 152 or one of those above which are not digitized. Local city police a mile away I know isn't digital I don't think...

I like to listen.... I found over my short 30 years some simple lessons I live by.. Respect your elders because they are a gold mine of information of experience and learning, never bite the hand that feeds and the third best lesson is that it is better to let everyone think of you to be a idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

Those lessons have kept me out of trouble and helped me learn allot.. I love sitting and watching YouTube and learning.. It's hard to sit and read a book because it's hard for me to visualize what they are talking about.

I tried watching a video about trunking, wasn't very easy to understand, just got to keep searching I suppose.

I am guessing those digitized systems are a special type radio correct??? Where can I learn more about them?


May 22, 2014
Cumberland, Ky
One of those channels, and I do believe its the 453.150 you get a machine gun sound during transmission receptions.. I you use the dpl tone it will key up and you hear nothing.... I dunno.... But im going to get up with my ex cop cousin and current pals in the force to see what they are using and to see what I can dig up....


Aug 8, 2005
Rowan County,KY (Morehead)
One of those channels, and I do believe its the 453.150 you get a machine gun sound during transmission receptions.. I you use the dpl tone it will key up and you hear nothing.... I dunno.... But im going to get up with my ex cop cousin and current pals in the force to see what they are using and to see what I can dig up....

Harlan County uses a NXDN Trunked System, is why your hearing the machine gun sound.

Harlan County Public Safety Trunking System, Various, Kentucky - Scanner Frequencies


May 22, 2014
Cumberland, Ky
You know now that I think about it, they recently put in tornado warning sirens at several places in the county, I'd bet those are for the system triggers.. Id just about lay money on it because the sheriffs system and others aren't in that system, at least their frequencies aren't..

I sent messages on Facebook to my friends who are troopers and ex cop cousin, see what I can find out, I will keep everyone updated on what I can find out.


Feb 3, 2012
The Harlan County NXDN trunked system also utilizes frequencies from the following licenses:


The control channels seem to rotate on a daily basis.


May 22, 2014
Cumberland, Ky
Here's the reply from my cousin..... Bad bad news!

"When I left from Cumberland we had already switched over to digital too. We had kenwood radios but I never knew the frequency. You have to have a digital scanner anyways. If I get a chance I'll try to ride down your way. I'm so busy with work and trying to run a business right now that I don't have much time for anything."


Premium Subscriber
Feb 6, 2004
Louisville, KY
Probably even worse news . . .

Getting a digital scanner isn't the answer for an NXDN system. While NXDN is "digital", the format of the "digitizing" cannot be decoded by any scanners on today's market.


May 22, 2014
Cumberland, Ky

Something I have problems understanding are if someone was to buy say a Kenwood digital or yaseu digital transceiver then by theory all they would have to do is to have the tones? Because their system or transceiver is digital, correct??

I seen a cool digital Kenwood with all bands a dstar, that's digital right?? I mean it can't be hard, they have to make digital transceivers that are available if police and people are using them... Which one can someone point to me??

What I plan to do is but a solid minimum 50 watt uhf/vhf transceiver and use it as a base/mobile station with either 2 separate or a single dual band vertical antenna, whichever would be best? Then I can use my Baofeng as a in between and have the mobile hook to it like police do, is that hard?? I would love to be able to spend 500 and have a real solid transceiver that can hear apco 25 and digital without buying a 300+ separate scanner if ya feeling me?


Premium Subscriber
Feb 6, 2004
Louisville, KY
Unfortunately I don't know enough about Kenwood and NXDN to give a considered response.

You'd probably have to do some research into whether a Kenwood for amateur radio purposes has the appropriate band coverage ability to monitor the NXDN. Then there's the question of getting programmed along with the wisdom of using it as a scanner.

While dimes can be used for screwdrivers and screwdrivers used as chisels, there's a practicality consideration.

I've got both an amateur radio and several scanners. Scanners are much better for simple monitoring purposes. That's because most VHF/UHF transceivers scan 16 channels at most, a scanner is capable of scanning hundreds/thousands.

Just one guy's thoughts, however.


May 7, 2005
Okay, here it comes. You are not going to like it, but may as well take the medicine sooner than later. There is a lot to learn about this hobby, and you have some studying to do.

Something I have problems understanding are if someone was to buy say a Kenwood digital or yaseu digital transceiver then by theory all they would have to do is to have the tones? Because their system or transceiver is digital, correct???

Wrong, "digital" comes in many different types these days- you have to have the right one for the system you are trying to use. Saying a system is "digital" is like saying a drink is "cold"- it only tells you a small part of what it actually is.

...I seen a cool digital Kenwood with all bands a dstar, that's digital right???...

...I mean it can't be hard, they have to make digital transceivers that are available if police and people are using them... Which one can someone point to me??...
Note that "available" may not mean readily available to you. And if so perhaps not at an affordable price.

...What I plan to do is but a solid minimum 50 watt uhf/vhf transceiver and use it as a base/mobile station with either 2 separate or a single dual band vertical antenna, whichever would be best? Then I can use my Baofeng as a in between and have the mobile hook to it like police do, is that hard???...
It is a safe bet that you will consider getting that done "hard".

...I would love to be able to spend 500 and have a real solid transceiver that can hear apco 25 and digital without buying a 300+ separate scanner if ya feeling me?
You and everyone else. The price of a "real solid" system will be closer to $5000 than $500.


May 22, 2014
Cumberland, Ky
Hell that's not a bad reply, i'm open to all teachings!

I am trying like hell to learn from videos on YouTube but the majority of them assume or are based off the premise or theme that you know "X" amount of info about transceivers to have gotten thus far and to be watching the current teaching they are showing. It can be hard to understand.

I think that's good news to know that there is a digital transceiver that can do what I am after, regardless of price just knowing it is out there is a good thing.

Right now I can honestly say I don't ever see myself spending over 1k for a mobile/base station... Yeah I like ham radio but it's just not a very popular or big thing where I live at and I would consider it more of a hobby type deal....

I appreciate the replies guys,




May 7, 2005
If your interest is in digital amateur radio only, $1K should get you off to a good start. But that "ham" radio will almost certainly not be capable of P25, NXDN or other digital modes commonly used in land mobile service.
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