Help identify a few repeaters - NNJ


Sarcastic Member
Nov 23, 2004
AES-256 secured
Can anyone help identify the following unknown repeaters in the northern NJ area:

449.000 PL 88.5
441.625 DPL 251
445.900 PL 146.2

Haven't been able to catch an ID and all appear uncoordinated (not that anything is anymore) but I checked repeaterbook, MetroCor and Unyrepco
Apr 13, 2005
Northwest Bergen County, NJ
Can anyone help identify the following unknown repeaters in the northern NJ area:

449.000 PL 88.5
441.625 DPL 251
445.900 PL 146.2

Haven't been able to catch an ID and all appear uncoordinated (not that anything is anymore) but I checked repeaterbook, MetroCor and Unyrepco
Not surprisingly, all three (3) of the noted emitters do not comply with the adopted coordination body band plan for NJ, Eastern PA, DE, Lower NY, or New England. That is, each frequency has a repeater output on what should be a repeater input frequency.

Is it possible that these a local cross band repeaters set up at someone's residence?


Feb 1, 2003
Pequannock, NJ
Does MetroCor even exist anymore? They wanted me to pay to coordinated previously coordinated repeaters from TSARC. Since they claimed to be tax exempt at the time, I asked for a copy of their financial statement which they refused to provide. They also wanted every individual to pay an "emitter fee", even if you didn't own a repeater!

I understand it takes money to be a coordinating body. Postage, renting space for meetings, paper, envelopes, ink, equipment to verify repeaters are operating as coordinated. That is all good but needs to be documented, especially when claiming tax exemption.

Now this was MANY years ago. If MetroCor exists today, I sure hope it is run better.

Three repeaters I maintain have been happily on the air since. Someone actually put a repeater at their local work location on same pair as one of the repeaters and were using it in DPL for business use (building maintenance) so the person could leave his radio in CSQ and hear his son call thru my repeater if he needed to reach his dad. That didn't fly long.
Apr 13, 2005
Northwest Bergen County, NJ
Does MetroCor even exist anymore? They wanted me to pay to coordinated previously coordinated repeaters from TSARC. Since they claimed to be tax exempt at the time, I asked for a copy of their financial statement which they refused to provide. They also wanted every individual to pay an "emitter fee", even if you didn't own a repeater!

I understand it takes money to be a coordinating body. Postage, renting space for meetings, paper, envelopes, ink, equipment to verify repeaters are operating as coordinated. That is all good but needs to be documented, especially when claiming tax exemption.

Now this was MANY years ago. If MetroCor exists today, I sure hope it is run better.

Three repeaters I maintain have been happily on the air since. Someone actually put a repeater at their local work location on same pair as one of the repeaters and were using it in DPL for business use (building maintenance) so the person could leave his radio in CSQ and hear his son call thru my repeater if he needed to reach his dad. That didn't fly long.
MetroCor’s website is still up and some documents contained there in show updates during 2023.


Feed Provider
Aug 28, 2012
Rockland County, NY
Can anyone help identify the following unknown repeaters in the northern NJ area:

449.000 PL 88.5
441.625 DPL 251
445.900 PL 146.2

Haven't been able to catch an ID and all appear uncoordinated (not that anything is anymore) but I checked repeaterbook, MetroCor and Unyrepco
I can help you with two of them. Contact me direct.