Wirelessly posted (iPhone: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7D11 Safari/528.16)
I have the pro-106 and need help with programming the SAME weather. If programmed correctly, will my scanner alert me like a SAME weather radio? For instance, if I'm scanning any one or multiple scan lists, will my alert go off if one is issued for my county? Or do you have to have the scanner in some kind of weather only scan mode?
Can someone help me with programming it? What I've sone so far is click the WX button and it goes to NOAA Weather screen. I push F3 under SAME and it goes to the SAME Codes menu. I entered my code 005119 in the first entry and saved it. Then I went back to scan mode.
I have the pro-106 and need help with programming the SAME weather. If programmed correctly, will my scanner alert me like a SAME weather radio? For instance, if I'm scanning any one or multiple scan lists, will my alert go off if one is issued for my county? Or do you have to have the scanner in some kind of weather only scan mode?
Can someone help me with programming it? What I've sone so far is click the WX button and it goes to NOAA Weather screen. I push F3 under SAME and it goes to the SAME Codes menu. I entered my code 005119 in the first entry and saved it. Then I went back to scan mode.