Help setting up RSOIP and ZeroTier VPN


Premium Subscriber
Dec 28, 2022
Happy Thanksgiving everybody,

I setup a web server in ten minutes or less. I can’t seem to figure out how to setup RSOIP though. What I have tried is creating inbound rules, outbound rules and exceptions for Proscan on both the server and client computers. I can’t get to see my the ip and port I’m using when selecting the designated port on the server. My IP will show with no problem, just the port isn’t being seen. I have created a TCP using ports A through port B inside my router. HOWEVER, the ip in my router is TOTALLY different than the IP seen by I’m sure this is the ZeroTier VPN that I’m using. Any idea what direction I need to start looking in?


Premium Subscriber
Dec 28, 2022
Got it. Just figure out what your actual IP is on your lan and use that on the client side along with whatever port you assign.


Blondie Once Said To Call Her But Never Answerd
Jul 3, 2023
75 parsecs away
I use a TeamSpeak server with ZeroTier instead of ProScan's voice server/client functionality. TeamSpeak is nice with the addition of built-in AES, or at least some variant of from what I could gather. Also, there are TeamSpeak Android Apps and ZeroTier Android Apps... You fire up the ZeroTier App first and connect, then the TeamSpeak App and connect.

The database to TeamSpeak is easy to backup, too. It's the ts3server.sqlitedb file which can be opened and edited with the DB Browser For SQLite program. In there (the database) is where you can edit your ports rather than via CLI and SSH with the TeamSpeak server. That's the hipster way of going about it. I'm a Pro. LOL

Also, image BBcode can be used to edit channel Info and add images hosted from Amazon S3 or Bunny CDN, etc. Though, now I think you need to edit ACLs (Access Control List) in S3 for public readability now as Amazon made it that way by default since they think buckets don't need public view ability.

At any rate, I tried hosting an ARK gaming server via ZeroTier, but it wouldn't work and that may have been due to a type of broadcast packet (who's name escapes me now) that couldn't make its way through the type of NIC ZeroTier constructs. There were some kind of virtual NICs at Github that solved this problem, but try as I might I still couldn't get it to work.

I'm about to "enterprise grade" my home network with OPNSense and it actually has an optional plug-in for ZeroTier . Cool stuff.