I'm using an opensource software called ACARSDEC
TLeconte/acarsdec running on a Raspberry Pi with a RTL-SDR receiver.
it decodes very good and saves an unique log file for further check.
it can also be used with a standard scanner using PC soundcard, but, take note that when using the RTL it acarsdec can listen/decode up to five different freqs. at a time.
if you don't own a raspberry Pi , you can use a Linux machine. this is a pure command line program.
there is another data mode called vdl2 VHF Datalink mode 2 (commonly called datalink) this mode 2 is used in Europe (I'm in EU) and many other countries. in te USA I'm not sure mode 2 is used as there some other modes.
vdlm2dec software is also running in my Raspberry Pi. datalink is like an evolved acars.
with a raspberry or Linux machine using 2 RTL dongles you can receive both acars and datalink. or even one for ADSB and the other for acars or datalink at a time for full aviation monitoring.
I own a paid software launched by airnavsystems (airnav acars decoder) for Windows machines. I can share this software if you want.
airnav acars decoder can be used with a standard receiver, I mean using PC soundcard input, or with a RTL using virtualcable.
hope this helps.