Help with ACARS

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Premium Subscriber
Nov 4, 2019
Cranston, Rhode Island
I have been casually monitoring ACARS transmissions. I live a short distance from state airport in Rhode Island. I use a Bearcat Uniden BC 700a with audio cable going from output of radio to input to computer. I seem to be able to recieve messages with no problem. I am using a program called "Acarsd ver. 1.65". I am wondering if there is a way to further decode this stuff. 79998Or is this the best this program will do?


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2007
I have been casually monitoring ACARS transmissions. I live a short distance from state airport in Rhode Island. I use a Bearcat Uniden BC 700a with audio cable going from output of radio to input to computer. I seem to be able to recieve messages with no problem. I am using a program called "Acarsd ver. 1.65". I am wondering if there is a way to further decode this stuff. View attachment 79998Or is this the best this program will do?
Acars is mostly what you posted. Data. However they do use it for some short text messages at times also. Which can be very entertaining. I would suggest an external antenna if you dont already have one.


Jan 24, 2004
The message label can give you a clue as to the content (though be aware that sometimes airlines use them in different ways). In this case it appears that the author of the software doesn't know what a type 22 message label is.
From the free text portion of the message you will sometimes be able to deduce meanings. In this case the date and route (KPVD to KEWR)'d have to ask someone who knows about United's message formats, or at least about the info that you might want to transfer, about the other parts.

Most messages will be standardised as they are triggered automatically by events (such as wells up, rotation etc.)

In the dim and distant past Ed Flynn wrote a book about the system called "Understanding ACARS". I was fortunate enough to have him visit me in the UK to chat about it as I'd also been decoding these odd bleeps but was way behind him. Several mailing lists and websites with lots of decoding examples were created and the last I saw of those was when Mark Avey and Nick Birrell had taken over from some of the earlier hobbyists. Perhaps the internet archive will have copies if the websites no longer exist.


Jan 22, 2020
Toledo, Spain.
I'm using an opensource software called ACARSDEC TLeconte/acarsdec running on a Raspberry Pi with a RTL-SDR receiver.
it decodes very good and saves an unique log file for further check.
it can also be used with a standard scanner using PC soundcard, but, take note that when using the RTL it acarsdec can listen/decode up to five different freqs. at a time.
if you don't own a raspberry Pi , you can use a Linux machine. this is a pure command line program.
there is another data mode called vdl2 VHF Datalink mode 2 (commonly called datalink) this mode 2 is used in Europe (I'm in EU) and many other countries. in te USA I'm not sure mode 2 is used as there some other modes.
vdlm2dec software is also running in my Raspberry Pi. datalink is like an evolved acars.

with a raspberry or Linux machine using 2 RTL dongles you can receive both acars and datalink. or even one for ADSB and the other for acars or datalink at a time for full aviation monitoring.

I own a paid software launched by airnavsystems (airnav acars decoder) for Windows machines. I can share this software if you want.
airnav acars decoder can be used with a standard receiver, I mean using PC soundcard input, or with a RTL using virtualcable.

hope this helps.


Jan 24, 2004
Changing to use one of the modern decoders such as acarsdec or acarsdeco is a good idea but doesn't answer the OP's question as you are having to create a whole new setup instead of plain audio into a soundcard.

If such a new set-up was to be considered then the choice of software needs some forethought
acarsdec - open source, the 'owner' of the branch mentioned, TLeconte runs, an aggregate server in Europe which allows users to share data. Can give slightly extended breakdown of the messages
acarsdeco - closed source but has a nice web interface which can be set up to show photos and all that kind of stuff you have become used to in acarsd
There are other options but the above probably the most used. With an rtl device (and some other devices but lets keep things cheap and simple) they are each capable of simultaneously monitoring & decoding all your ACARS frequencies.
Both fairly easy to set up and with an active community of anoraks there is always help at hand.

That then leads us on a bit further. If you have invested in a few monetary units for a raspberry Pi3b+ (lower models will do but we'll allow some spare processing power for later!) and two rtl devices you can add the VDL2 decoding. Again there are choices where software is concerned. I'll list three but immediately discount one of them - not because it's no's a superb piece of software...but because you have to pay (a pitance!).
Multipsk - brilliant multimode decoder but not free. It also can only monitor one frequency at a time (but you can run as many copies as you want at the same time)
vdlm2dec - also opensource from TLeconte. It can also feed the shared system.
dumpvdl2 - my preferred option as it has far better structured output and for me gives a better decode rate
Again there are a few other lesser used decoders as well.

TLeconte also has another project which can take the output from multiple instances of the other two and merge them to an sqlite database

All of the above have loads of output options....such as feeding the data to PlanePlotter, other aggregate servers or your own database flavour.

As ACARS and VDL2 are both within VHF airband a single antenna can feed both rtl devices.

Spare processing power if you opted for a Pi3B+ (or clone) or Pi4....well how about adding another rtl device (cheap as chips) and feeding it from that same antenna to give you an airband scanner (streamed via icecast) so you can listen to the local airport or Area control whilst watching the data fly by?

Still want more...add another rtl device and do ads-b at the same time (though that will need it's own antenna).

So much more that you can do since the early days when I was beta testing Airmaster (AEA licensed it and it had a different name over there in the colonies) for Lowe and Roger Barker on DOS (I used 4DOS not MSDOS) and later on Windows as Airmaster 2000.
Flight Database for Windows by Rainford software ...that was slick but before that we had DACARS to process all those logs. real time we can have masses of aviation data in front of us and for less money than the software alone would have cost back then.


Nov 12, 2007
Vero Beach, FL
Check out http;// its a spin-off of ADSBExchange focused on collecting ACARS and VDL2 messages, it’s in beta right now but they are accepting a limited number of feeders For testing. The team is very helpful too.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 15, 2014
Raleigh, NC
Check out http;// its a spin-off of ADSBExchange focused on collecting ACARS and VDL2 messages, it’s in beta right now but they are accepting a limited number of feeders For testing. The team is very helpful too.

Tried the link you posted (with correction after the http) and it redirects me to the site below, along with a blank page....

Screenshot 2020-02-25 08.39.07 (2).png


Jun 23, 2015
Durham Region
I am using the latest Acarsdeco2 which works well, I feed the messages to PlanePlotter no problem.

I read where the command line switch --vrs-url would fetch AC images from Virtual Radar for display on the web GUI.

I have pointed Acarsdeco2 (on the command line) to various PP folders for other images so the GUI is quite well populated between the two sources. But I cannot get the AC photo images from VRS to populate the GUI.

Does anyone know how to get the AC Images using VRS?
Does anyone know where I could get the img files to populate a folder (the other solution)?

Here is what I have so far. Acarsdeco3, PP and VRS are all latest versions. I believe the AC photo would display in top left corner instead of the stock image.

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