Help with Manatee-Sarasota Unication Code Plug

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New York DB Admin
Database Admin
Mar 2, 2004
Long Island, NY
Hi All,
I have a customer in Manatee county with a G4 pager. I've gone up, down, left, and right on the codeplug and I cannot find any reason why this would not work in the Manatee-Sarasota P25 system.

We mapped out the following:
  1. Manatee Sheriff's Office (mapped to the Manatee Sites)
  2. Manatee Fire & EMS (mapped to the Manatee Sites)
  3. Sarasota PD (mapped to Sarasota Sites)
  4. Sarasota Sheriff's Office (Mapped to the Sarasota Sites)
  5. Sarasota FD (Mapped to the Sarasota Sites)
  6. North Port / Venice (Mapped to the Sarasota Sites)
  7. Palm / Holmes / LB (Mapped to the Manatee Sites)
  8. Bradenton (Mapped to Manatee sites)

The strange part is, the G4 at this customer's location will get partial transmissions or sound digitized. To me, this sounds like there isn't enough signal to decode the voice channels. But- he has no problem on position 8 with Bradenton PD!

He has a SDS200 next to the G4. The G4 is on the Amplified charger on the included antenna. The SDS200 works, the G4 misses conversations.

This customer is 2.5miles away from his closest Manatee Site in the system. The Pager shows -90 RSSI, which should be good enough to have solid decode.

Is there someone in the group that would be willing to look at or load this codeplug into their pager in the Manatee area and let me know if this works for you?

I've seen posts on here from another use that said he can go anywhere in Manatee with his Unication pager and never has an issue.

So short of a hardware issue on a brand new issue, or just a spot in the the county where this user just happens to live, I'm not seeing why this codeplug won't work.

We even setup a second codeplug that allowed the pager to pick the site instead of mapping it to the county site on the system, and that also didn't help.

Thanks in advance for the help.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 26, 2006
Stow, Ohio
Only way to verify hardware issues is use another G4, I’m thinking the antenna pin might be loose


New York DB Admin
Database Admin
Mar 2, 2004
Long Island, NY
To answer your questions:
I am in NY, so no matter what antenna I use, I will not be able to receive the Manatee System. That is why I was asking here.

The customer is monitoring unencrypted talk groups that are being picked up on his other scanners. For whatever reason, the G4 is not receiving them, even with solid RSSI on the diagnostics screens.

The pager is on it's way back here to check for HW issues.
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