Helping with Programming WS1040 software win500

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Premium Subscriber
Jul 2, 2016
I am trying to help a friend program their WS1040 scanner. The place were the scanner is going to work is in the same town I live and I have a Undien Scanner I programmed and it works great. I can not figure out what I am not doing right in programming the scanner. I have RR Premium Subscribition. I live in a P25 Phase 1 in Athens, Ohio Trimble repeater. I am able to get conventional but not digital. I know I live close enough to get the signail because my undien scanner picks up fine. I have tried to change some many things to get it to work I do not know where to even start to write what I did. I can tell you that on the display of the WS1040 the The display for T on the top does not light up. I am hoping this will help anyone that can help me out. I think if the light is not displayed it is not recieving signial from the control channel. Correct me if I am wrong. I am open to all sorts of suggestions so anything can help me at this point. I am at my end. I do not know what else to do. I have the squelch set correctly. Thanks for reading, and I hope you can help me and my friend out.


Premium Subscriber
Apr 3, 2014
creighton, NE
im having identical issues. if you figure it out could u let me know. i'll do the same.


Apr 28, 2012
Findlay Ohio
I am trying to help a friend program their WS1040 scanner. The place were the scanner is going to work is in the same town I live and I have a Undien Scanner I programmed and it works great. I can not figure out what I am not doing right in programming the scanner. I have RR Premium Subscribition. I live in a P25 Phase 1 in Athens, Ohio Trimble repeater. I am able to get conventional but not digital. I know I live close enough to get the signail because my undien scanner picks up fine. I have tried to change some many things to get it to work I do not know where to even start to write what I did. I can tell you that on the display of the WS1040 the The display for T on the top does not light up. I am hoping this will help anyone that can help me out. I think if the light is not displayed it is not recieving signial from the control channel. Correct me if I am wrong. I am open to all sorts of suggestions so anything can help me at this point. I am at my end. I do not know what else to do. I have the squelch set correctly. Thanks for reading, and I hope you can help me and my friend out.
Hi All I'm having issues naming scanlist 2 when i try to name tag list for scanlist 2 it also changes scanlist 1. I tried removing the asterisk from SL1 while renaming SL2 vice versa can not get it to work, I'm also doing this manually through the radio. I used win500 to program scanlist 1 and it works just fine.

also it says to repeat steps for each scanlist. Do you upload to the scanner one scanlist at a time by going back to RR and entering us,state, co. it seems like it would replace what you already have in the scanner, scanlist 1 is NWO02 and scanlist 2 is suppose to be OSP02
any help or input would be greatly appreciated


I might be completely clueless! =)
Jun 29, 2009
Hi All I'm having issues naming scanlist 2 when i try to name tag list for scanlist 2 it also changes scanlist 1. I tried removing the asterisk from SL1 while renaming SL2 vice versa can not get it to work, I'm also doing this manually through the radio. I used win500 to program scanlist 1 and it works just fine.

The asterisk is not part of the name when you are trying to rename the scan lists manually. The asterisk is telling you if that scan list is enabled. Adding & removing the asterisk is the exact same as turning on & off the scan list in scan mode.

You need to either press ENT or use the Left/Right arrow to get into the menu where you can alter the Tag.

also it says to repeat steps for each scanlist. Do you upload to the scanner one scanlist at a time by going back to RR and entering us,state, co. it seems like it would replace what you already have in the scanner, scanlist 1 is NWO02 and scanlist 2 is suppose to be OSP02
any help or input would be greatly appreciated

You need to repeat the steps if you are manually changing the names from the keypad.

Uploading from software will completely overwrite everything in your current working memory. You will need to change everything at once in the save file with software. If you want to keep settings that you made using the keypad, you will need to download from the scanner before making any edits with software.

Downloading frequencies and systems from RadioReference does not affect your scan list names in anyway. If you make changes to your programming, you will need to manually change the scan list names with either the software or through the keypad.


Apr 28, 2012
Findlay Ohio
Thanks, do you know if it will always stay on scanlist 1 tag and show tag 2 when it hits something. I still don't have it figuredout just yet so im just scanning SL1 for now

Sent from my LGL52VL using Tapatalk


I might be completely clueless! =)
Jun 29, 2009
Thanks, do you know if it will always stay on scanlist 1 tag and show tag 2 when it hits something. I still don't have it figuredout just yet so im just scanning SL1 for now

I'm not quite sure I understand what you are asking. The scanner will scan everything that is programmed to a scan list that is enabled. If you have scan list 1 and scan list 2 enabled, it will scan everything programmed into scan list 1 and scan list 2. The 3rd and 4th rows of the display (under "Scanning") shows you which scan lists are enabled.

You will only ever see the scan list names if you are enabling and disabling the scan lists using the number pad. When it is scanning, it will display the alpha tag of the frequencies and trunked system you are scanning. These are different from the scan list names.


Apr 28, 2012
Findlay Ohio
Yes, I was referring to the scanlist tag name. Im guessing its like turning banks on amd off on older scanners. Thanks for the info. Im slowly getting there.

Sent from my LGL52VL using Tapatalk


May 31, 2017
On WS1040 how can I re-install factory V-Scanner folders

that I apparently overwritten when I loaded a TSYS into the scanner using WIN500? Can they be recovered or downloaded? I didn't know to save them, so I don't think I have them. I have been reading the Easy Manual but I am stumped.


I might be completely clueless! =)
Jun 29, 2009
that I apparently overwritten when I loaded a TSYS into the scanner using WIN500? Can they be recovered or downloaded? I didn't know to save them, so I don't think I have them. I have been reading the Easy Manual but I am stumped.

The WS1040 does not come with preprogrammed V-Scanner folders.

Nothing of value has really been lost. The preprogrammed data is more than a decade old. There has been massive additions, changes, and decommissioning of radio systems since then. Many of the systems that were preprogrammed are no longer in service. Most people who use V-Scanner folders tend to clear out the preprogrammed stuff and load custom programming.

If you really want preprogrammed V-Scanner data, a zip file be found on the WIN500 website at this link.
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