The poor video footage is complimented by equally poor commentary. But yes, it's the Offutt AFB HF transmit & control annex near Elkhorn. One of the orginal USAF Global Communications (GLOBECOM) stations, with the HF receive annex on the grounds of the former Scribner Army Airfield. As for the rumored "secret bunker," there wasn't one at Elkhorn, but for a while in the early stages of the Cold War -- after HQ Strategic Air Command relocated from Andrews AFB to Offutt AFB but before the SAC Underground Command Center became operational in 1955, the Scribner location had "Site-X" -- an emergency relocation site for HQ SAC. It wasn't hardened, used a lot of the flimsy old WW-II AAF wooden structures and operated under a minor cover as an Ionosphere Research facility (which helped explain the HF antenna arrays). Back then, SAC also had an HF comms site out next to the Nebraska Ordnance Plant in Mead, as GLOBECOM was general-purpose USAF & SAC wanted/needed their own global HF command & control network.