HF Transciever Packs/Backpacks

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CenTex DBA
Jun 6, 2007
Hunter, TX

A buddy and I are fixing to test for General and are interested in some mobile HF solutions. I specifically would like to take a rig (small like a Yaesu-817ND) and place it in a backpack or pouch for operation in remote areas, QRP. My main question is essentially:

Can anyone recommend a good pack/backpack for their mobile HF rig? I don't necessarily need a remote face to move somewhere else (like the Icom-703 with the optional LC-156; <-- this radio is a strong contender, though, I wanna know how well the backpack holds up). I'm leaning heavily to the Yaesu-817 because I have Yaesu products and like their performance. I just wanna make sure the pack can handle what I throw at it.

I've found a MOLLE type pouch (S.T.R.I.K.E. is the type of webbing I guess), find it here. This might suffice on a vest (but I might be walking through some thick Texas brush) but it is not ideal. I'm looking for something similar to the Eberlestock Halftrack, which some soldiers talk about here for switching out with the PRC-117 pack.

Any recommendations?


Premium Subscriber
Jun 30, 2006
So Cal - Richardson, TX - Tewksbury, MA
Do you need to operate while its on your back and the backpack is holding up an antenna? If not the backpack you show would hold a dozen FT-817s with batteries and antennas.

I use one of these tiny packs with a 100w FT-857 including batteries, chalk line reel G5RV antenna, feedline, ground stakes, etc.
MSP-3 Expandable Hydration Packs with Universal Straps


CenTex DBA
Jun 6, 2007
Hunter, TX
prcguy said:
Do you need to operate while its on your back and the backpack is holding up an antenna? If not the backpack you show would hold a dozen FT-817s with batteries and antennas.

Preferrable but not required yet. I imagine the more experienced I get, the better I'll be at multitasking. Since I don't want to have to buy multiple packs (yet), I'd like to get one that offers the abbility to support an antenna and protect a rig, while being able to sling a mic over my shoulder.

prcguy said:
I use one of these tiny packs with a 100w FT-857 including batteries, chalk line reel G5RV antenna, feedline, ground stakes, etc.

Thanks, I Iike these.

JnglMassiv said:
Join and read the HFPack yahoo list...

Thanks. Looks like there might be some excellent resources here.

byndhlptom said:
You should look at the WorldPack II on the PowerPort web site. They look great, are made for the 817.

Wow, that looks like a good purchase. That site is awesome.

Thanks gentlemen, this is a good starting place.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 30, 2006
So Cal - Richardson, TX - Tewksbury, MA
If your going to operate the radio while on your back you need to consider antenna mounting and leverage on the pack. With larger military manpack rigs we just attach the antenna to the rig and lash everything in the pack since the mil radios are designed for direct whip attachment.

Most people running amateur rigs usually use a frame type pack and a CB mirror mount is a good way to affix the whip to the frame. The frame also gives you a head start on a counterpoise and helps couple that to your body.

For effective radiation while pedestrian mobile, think BIG antenna, some of the tiny little HF offerings that terminate in a BNC are cute but are only good for reaching across the parking lot at a hamfest. The Buddipole Buddistick is a great antenna for pedestrian mobile and very versatile.

I attached a pic from the "HF Pack" gathering at the 2004 Dayton Hamfest where we got rained out. Usually there are 4 times as many in the picture but only the hard core mil collectors with their water proof rigs marched around in the rain that day. I'm somewhere in the middle in GoreTex cammo holding a handset to my wet ear like a fool.


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CenTex DBA
Jun 6, 2007
Hunter, TX

Thanks man- I didn't see any fools in that picture (looks like the only fools are in the parking lot without radio communication capability in the rain). My fiance already thinks I'm nuts (she made that decision about the time I got my friends CW key to work this weekend). I'm not worried about what everyone else thinks about amateur radio... leaves more spectrum for me.
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