Guys ok some of you may not beleive me but my friend has a computer here at my house and his monitor went out so we walked to his moms house to get a new one well I guess the nabors (did i mention i live in a RV park) heard us and i guess they thought we were talking about stealing a car SO THEY CALLED THE COPS, well i didnt know till we got back to the house and I heard it on the scanner " Parkway Mobile Home Park called due to a potential car robery, two guys walking one in a white shirt, and red shirt" I was like wtf i knew it was us so to have a little fun I went back outside, and they came so i stood there and there were pissed, they didnt believe me so i was repeated every thing i heard on the scanner and they let me go lol, you think its over no, a few weeks ago my friend lost his snake its 6.5ft long and those cops that talked to us just left and i went back inside and heard "Just found a python on the road its about 6 to 7 ft. Call animal controal" My friend was like there it is we walked back outside there was 5cops average 7 at the most at one time Plus animal controal, so all in all he got his snake back so It was a vrey interesting night.