HP-2: Home Patrol 2 Questions


Apr 19, 2017
Redmond, OR

I have been away from scanning for a number of years. I have a Home Patrol 2 set up and working.

I am having an issue with setting up for the fire dispatch in my county (Deschutes County, Oregon). From talking to the file chief at one of our towns, he said a year or so ago they went to P25 Phase 2 (unencrypted). Like me, he is an Extra Class amateur radio operator) and is most familiar with communication systems..

He further mentioned that there is a tri-county radio fire system that covers Deschutes, Crook, and Jefferson countries. However, I just updated the database in Sentinel and it still has the old 150 MHz stations listed.

I do have a statewide listing that groups frequencies by discrete areas in the state. The information seems to show the Phase 2 set up. Is the listing that Sentinel downloads still kept up to date? If not is it possible to enter the data through sentinel? The excerpted list that I am interested is is below. Help on how to do this will be needed. Is each listing considered a trunk? I love learning new things, so this will be a golden opportunity.

I checked to see if there were firmware updates, but then I realized that the HP2 isn't hooked up to the internet. So I need to dig out the manual and find the procedure for this. As I said, it has been a probably 7 years since I had the scanner in use.

Any help will be most appreciated.

Redmond, Oregon

17 (11)017 (11)GrizzlyCrook, OR769.41875c770.45625c770.70625c773.31875c774.05625c

21 (15)021 (15)Mt BachelorDeschutes, OR769.43125c770.16875c770.95625c773.04375c774.58125c

24 (18)024 (18)Powell ButteCrook, OR769.45625c769.71875c770.21875c770.94375c774.79375

101 (65)101 (65)Cline ButteDeschutes, OR856.7625c857.7625c858.7625c859.7625c860.7625c

110 (6E)110 (6E)Bend SimulcastDeschutes, OR856.9375c857.9375c858.9375c859.9375c860.9375c


Premium Subscriber
Jan 15, 2007
I just updated the database in Sentinel and it still has the old 150 MHz stations listed.
First thing to do is be sure you're using the very latest version of the Sentinel software on your computer, which currently is v2.03.02 - You can get it here if you don't have that version:

Then connect your scanner to your computer in mass storage mode and update the database... follow the update directions on page 6 of your owner's manual. The manual is available here if you don't have it:

There have not been any firmware updates released through Sentinel for the Home Patrol 2.

Check the Radio Reference database (that will be sent to your scanner when you update it) at this link to see if this seems up to date for the agencies you're interested in:

And yes, you can add anything you want that's not already in the scanner's database by using the Favorites List Editor in the Sentinel Software.


Well Known Member
Feb 10, 2019
Baltimore County, MD
If the coverage maps are correct, Redmond is well outside the area of the Mt Bachelor site. I would use the other 4 sites in your post #1. The Grizzly site appears to cover will within Jefferson County also. Statewide systems do not honor county lines.