HomePatrol II Issues

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Premium Subscriber
Jan 7, 2008
Hey everybody, I am having problems with my HP2 and I was hoping someone on here might be able to help me out.

Sometimes, I get decent reception and I can hear whats going on. (APCO-25 Phase 1) However, more often I don't hear anything. I am in the middle of 4 towers, and I know there is traffic out there since I can hear it on Broadcastify. Moving the scanner outside seems to make no difference.

I have the extreme upgrade, and have checked the trunked system analyzer, here is what I am getting under system load...

Red Table = Signal 3-4, Quality and activity are zero
Sunlight = Signal 3-4, Quality and activity are zero
Lookout = Signal 4, Quality and activity are zero

I thought I was onto something, until I tried that same thing on a station 200 miles away, and got the exact same results. So I thought, "Ok, maybe for whatever reason I am not picking up the State DTRS system."

So I tried setting the scanner to listen to a basic frequency, FRS frequency 462.5625, and I keyed up the same channel on my VHF/UHF handheld, and I hear nothing on my scanner.

I have been in the scanner to see if there is anything obvious, like a broken solder joint on the antenna, I see nothing out of place. I tested Ohms for the fun of it to see if maybe I had a cold joint, and the test passed. No resistance from the outside of the antenna connector to the board.

I was hoping there was some way to test incoming signals through the extreme upgrade, or if anyone had any ideas for me to try. I have already wiped the card and reinstalled the firmware, updated the firmware and the master database list. My next step is to replace the antenna in case there is a problem there, and see if my reception really is that bad.

I'm headed to the roof to see what happens, next.

I am open to suggestions! Thanks in advance!

And for the details, my location is Carbondale, CO. Zip code 81623, and I am trying to listen to local and state police, fire, ems, etc. Basically, I bought this radio and an HP1 to hear the APCO 25 system Colorado is using.


Premium Subscriber
Sep 18, 2006
Whittier, CA
Well, my first piece of advice would be to stay out of the scanner unless you absolutely know what you are doing.

I assume you've entered the correct zip code for your area in each of the scanners. When you run both scanners side by side, do you get the same results? Does the HP1 receive signals that the HP2 does not? If it's the latter, try swapping antennas.

Is your squelch level set too high/tight on the HP2?

FWIW, I have two HP1's (one is extreme) and one HP2 (also fully upgraded). I get fairly similar results when they're side by side using the factory antennas.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Red Table = Signal 3-4, Quality and activity are zero
Sunlight = Signal 3-4, Quality and activity are zero
Lookout = Signal 4, Quality and activity are zero

I presume those are sight names. If Q&A are zero, you are getting no signal, no control channel. Strength sounds low. What is your squlechsetting?

Post a link to the systestem, and are you using the full database or a favorite?


Premium Subscriber
Jan 7, 2008
Well, my first piece of advice would be to stay out of the scanner unless you absolutely know what you are doing.

---------I do, thank you.

I assume you've entered the correct zip code for your area in each of the scanners. When you run both scanners side by side, do you get the same results? Does the HP1 receive signals that the HP2 does not? If it's the latter, try swapping antennas.

---------I no longer have the HP1, I sold it when I went HP2

Is your squelch level set too high/tight on the HP2?

---------Squelch is set at 2 bars, if I go to one bar, I get constant static. I've been scanning for nearly 20 years, just never on a HP type radio. I actually would prefer the dial type squelch for finding the gate.

Red Table = Signal 3-4, Quality and activity are zero
Sunlight = Signal 3-4, Quality and activity are zero
Lookout = Signal 4, Quality and activity are zero

I presume those are sight names. If Q&A are zero, you are getting no signal, no control channel. Strength sounds low. What is your squlechsetting?

----------As posted above, squelch is set at 2 bars, 1 bar gives constant static.

Post a link to the systestem, and are you using the full database or a favorite?

----------I am using full system and favorite lists. Not sure what you mean by post a link to the system?

Responses are following the "----------" above!


More Info Coming Soon!
Jul 18, 2014
Look up the system you are trying to hear in the radioreference database, and post the link.


Premium Subscriber
Sep 18, 2006
Whittier, CA
Okay, so we're talking about Garfield County, right?

These should be the two links to what you're trying to monitor:

Simple, non-trunked VHF L/E and Fire frequencies:

The much larger statewide UHF P25 Phase 1 trunked network:

In looking at Garfield County, a good portion of the L/E frequencies are encrypted. You're definitely not going to hear anything if they're encrypted. Carbondale does not appear to be encrypted, so you should be able to hear that. Is it possible that maybe Carbondale started encrypting their comms?

You mentioned "full system and favorite list". Do you mean the full nationwide database and your favorites list?

When you're scanning and you press the menu button and select "service types", have you got all the Law/Fire Dispatch and Tac & Talk options selected? And maybe the Multi-Tac and Multi-Talk options? In the "Manage Favorites" preferences, I would assume you've also got those selected, too, correct?

I usually set the squelch to 4 bars. AGC can be on or off (I don't notice much of a difference - if any at all). My range is set to either 3 or 5 miles - although where I am in southern California, you still hear way too much at 3 miles. You might want to experiment with the range setting. Also, make sure Attenuation is turned off.

When scanning, do you see the Garfield County and/or the Carbondale system being scanned?

BTW, don't get upset if it sounds like I'm asking a silly question or making obvious suggestions. I'm just trying to cover all the bases here in case there's something that may have been overlooked.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 7, 2008
Okay, so we're talking about Garfield County, right?

These should be the two links to what you're trying to monitor:

Simple, non-trunked VHF L/E and Fire frequencies:

The much larger statewide UHF P25 Phase 1 trunked network:

-----------Those are correct.

In looking at Garfield County, a good portion of the L/E frequencies are encrypted. You're definitely not going to hear anything if they're encrypted. Carbondale does not appear to be encrypted, so you should be able to hear that. Is it possible that maybe Carbondale started encrypting their comms?

-----------Where are you seeing they are encrypted? All I see on encryption is the gang task force. Also, why would I hear CSP channels sometimes, and not other times. I doubt they flip a switch on only certain days to encrypt their traffic, and not on other days. WAIT, I THINK I FIGURED THIS ONE OUT. BIG E LITTLE E

-----------8100 1fa4 D CSP Troop 4C Troop 4C Dispatch (Eagle, E. Garfield, Pitkin, Summit) Law Dispatch
-----------8101 1fa5 D CSP 4C Tac Troop 4C Tactical Law Tac

-----------These are the two CSP channels I should be hearing, and according to the database, they are not encrypted.

You mentioned "full system and favorite list". Do you mean the full nationwide database and your favorites list?


When you're scanning and you press the menu button and select "service types", have you got all the Law/Fire Dispatch and Tac & Talk options selected? And maybe the Multi-Tac and Multi-Talk options? In the "Manage Favorites" preferences, I would assume you've also got those selected, too, correct?


I usually set the squelch to 4 bars. AGC can be on or off (I don't notice much of a difference - if any at all). My range is set to either 3 or 5 miles - although where I am in southern California, you still hear way too much at 3 miles. You might want to experiment with the range setting. Also, make sure Attenuation is turned off.

-------------I will try different squelch settings, but in the past when you find the gate you typically stick close to it unless you start to hear a lot of static. Then you close it. Range is set for 30 miles because of our unique terrain. I will try turning that down too. Attenuation is also off.

When scanning, do you see the Garfield County and/or the Carbondale system being scanned?

-------------I do see Garfield County, and since Carbondale is a subset of a countywide system, I don't typically see it flash across the screen.

BTW, don't get upset if it sounds like I'm asking a silly question or making obvious suggestions. I'm just trying to cover all the bases here in case there's something that may have been overlooked.

--------------No worries at all, I appreciate the help. I like to be sure I am not missing anything!

Replies are at the "--------------" above! Thanks!
Last edited:


Premium Subscriber
Sep 18, 2006
Whittier, CA
If you're not hearing anything, you'll want to keep the squelch as close to the threshold as possible. The range setting doesn't necessary change the reception range of the scanner. It would just change the number of departments or counties that were being scanned based on the distance of their reported location to the center of your zip code. If Carbondale is more than 30 miles away, obviously you'll want to increase the range. If you're actually IN Carbondale, the range setting probably wouldn't matter at all.

As far as the upper and lowercase "E", to be honest, I've never noticed that before and I'm not sure of it's significance.

I live on the border of a huge county on an 800MHz trunked, encrypted P25 system. It's been my experience that the scanner will stop for a split second when it senses activity and I sometimes hear a very short chirp of encrypted audio before it moves on. When it stops, though, I can see the name of the department. The point I'm trying to make is that even if Carbondale WAS encrypted, the scanner should probably stop for about 1/2 second before moving on.

You did say you tried to transmit on an FRS frequency and the scanner wasn't able to pick it up at all. That's a bit troubling, because even without an antenna and even with the attenuation ON and regardless of the squelch level, if you were in the same room, you should have been able to hear that transmission.

Unfortunately, I'm out of ideas and maybe it's time to ship it back to Uniden.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 7, 2008
RepomanGP, thanks for the help!

It should be noted, I work for the state, though not in communications, but I do have the capability to broadcast on nearly every channel of the DTRS system, and I cannot get the scanner to hear non encrypted traffic that even I generate.

I'll keep trying different things before it goes back to uniden. My fear is that when they fire up the scanner it will work fine and I'm out $70 Only to have an intermittent problem shipped back to me.

Again, thanks for the help!


More Info Coming Soon!
Jul 18, 2014
If the scanner can't hear a FRS transmission in the same room, it's broken. Most likely cause is being too close to a transmitter and excessive RF energy frying the front end, or a static discharge hitting the antenna.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 7, 2008
If the scanner can't hear a FRS transmission in the same room, it's broken. Most likely cause is being too close to a transmitter and excessive RF energy frying the front end, or a static discharge hitting the antenna.

I sent it off to Uniden today, they will have it Monday, and I should have it back... by Christmas. If i'm lucky...
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