Honey Brook Fire Company in chester county PA

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Jan 21, 2010
Chester County, Pennsylvania
By Honey Brook Fire CompanyFebruary 5, 2010 The Honey Brook Fire Company is proud to announce it is placing into service a 2010 Ford F-250 4X4, 4 door, 8 Ft bed pickup truck. This truck will be used primarily for moving manpower to and from emergency incidents, department errands, and training, as well as providing a 4X4 platform to assist EMS with reaching patient in inclimate weather or off road conditions.

With the inclimate weather it was decided to place this in service before the snow storm to assist our EMS with 4X4 drive for all ambulance calls. Crews manned the firehouse throughout the storm and within several hours ran the first call for the new Squad.

Much work has been placed into getting this piece into service to include painting, striping and lettering it to match the other apparatus and installing the emergency lighting, radios, and equipment.

****Special thanks to Deputy Chief Brooks for his hard work and time in installing the lighting and radio consoles in the vehicle during his personal time.
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