Hood MA-Com System

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Dec 19, 2002
The Hood Ma-Com system is slowly coming online. Fire and EMS are completely outfitted and using the system, the Police Dept radios are being done this week and may carry over to next week. The two systems are being used simaltaneously which makes the transmissions sound a little odd. I don't know if that's typical of the system, or if it's because the two are being run together. I'll post further as the system progresses.



Jul 10, 2004
4GRC+83; Temple, TX 76502
I was up there and submitted some of the stuffs to the DB.

Due to a career change I'm stuck in Provoice Land (SA) for 2 more weeks though.

I was wondering about the sound of the system....a lot of the Transmissions sounded like crap when I was up there..lol.
How is the use of Encryption progressing?


Dec 19, 2002
Columbia, MO
Here at Fort Sill they simulcasted on our old VHF system and the new TRS for around 2 months then shut off the VHF system for good. It wasn't too long either after all the installs were complete that encryption on PD and FD was turned on so won't be too long before most of the trans for PS will be off for scanners. As far as clarity it got a little better here but still sounds like crap.


Silent Key - Aug 2014
Oct 20, 2002
Katy, TX
Tramagod said:
The Hood Ma-Com system is ...

Not to be too much of a pest (or beating a dead horse), but referring to the Ft Hood system as a MA-COM system make people think of EDACS or Open Sky, or well anything but what it is, a Project 25 system. It really doesn't matter what vendor supplies the system, a Project 25 system is vendor independent (one of the purposes of Project 25).

The point I am trying to make (probably poorly) is that we really need to separate the thought that Project 25 has anything to do with any particular name (Motorola, MA-COM, Kenwood, EF Johnson, etc.) as some vendors do have their own proprietary TRS types.


Dec 19, 2002
Yes Lou, the horse is dead.

Yes, the horse is dead Lou. I merely referred to it as such because that's the name brand on the radio's. And yes , I'm sure we all kinow the difference in the systems, as this one is a P25 system. Other than impressing all those who read this post with your vast knowledge, what exactly is your point? I was only sharing information I had on the system, as I work for the Public Safety system on Ft Hood and use the equiptment. Instead of criticising or flaming those of us who wish to share information, why don't you post something positive or informative? Thanks for reading and appreciating my post.


In Memoriam
Premium Subscriber
Apr 19, 2004
Arlington, TX
I must say that I was a little confused until I realized it was a MA/COM implementation of a P25 system that was being discussed.


Silent Key - Aug 2014
Oct 20, 2002
Katy, TX
Tramagod said:
Yes, the horse is dead Lou. I merely referred to it as such because that's the name brand on the radio's. And yes , I'm sure we all kinow the difference in the systems, as this one is a P25 system. Other than impressing all those who read this post with your vast knowledge, what exactly is your point? I was only sharing information I had on the system, as I work for the Public Safety system on Ft Hood and use the equiptment. Instead of criticising or flaming those of us who wish to share information, why don't you post something positive or informative? Thanks for reading and appreciating my post.
Dead Horse? Apparently not based on Paul's post.

The point I am trying to make, and I make it every time I see someone making the error is that Project 25 systems have nothing to do with MA-COM, Motorola, or any other vendor. Hence I take everyone to task who does it, including the scanner manufacturers (as Paul can attest to) that insist on associating a Project 25 system with any vendor such as calling one a Motorola 9600 bps P25 system (no such thing) or in your case referring to a P25 system by calling it a MA-COM system (which it is not).

The reasoning behind this insistence on calling a spade a spade and not a shovel is that it isn't. Throwing around terms that are incorrect, assuming everyone can read your thoughts, just perpetuates the problem. You say, "I'm sure we all kinow (sic) the difference in the systems, as this one is a P25 system." Really? So a guy in Killeen, buying his first scanner is going to know this? Or do you consider the new scanner user not part of the "we" you refer to. As to my vast knowledge...well I don't go around incorrectly calling a Project 25 system a MA-COM or Motorola system. My knowledge here has nothing to do with it, it is a matter of definition and use of the English language. What you do at your office is your business, what you put in the forums here is mine and I am afraid I am just going to insist that you call a spade a spade and not a shovel.

Thanks for reading my reasoning behind the original post, I thought I had expressed it pretty well then, but...


In Memoriam
Premium Subscriber
Apr 19, 2004
Arlington, TX
And in our next generation of scanners, we will bring P25 out to its own type (not a subtype of Motorola).

Please don't ask me when...I won't answer. :)


Silent Key - Aug 2014
Oct 20, 2002
Katy, TX
Tramagod said:
Thanks for that tid bit Upman, that gives us all something to look forward to. And Lou, get a life buddy.
This is pretty funny.

I sing this mantra for better than 3 years; finally a manufacturer agrees to fix the problem; they get thanked and I am told to get a life.

Yeah, Tramagod, I realize people don't like to be told they are wrong, but just step up and quit trying to make out like I am the one with the problem here.


Dec 19, 2002
Well, first of all Lou, I'm not wrong, nor are you. I just didn't describe the system in a technical manner that pleased you. You had to add your thread in an attempt to flame my post or make it appear as if I were ignorant, when in fact all I did was take into consideration that there are members of this site that look for information to keep updated on various systems that are not as technically knoweldgeable about their operations. It is sometimes people like you that prevent those people frome asking questions or submitting posts in fear that someone like you will come along and publicly belittle them or try to humiliate them as you have me. Instead of all that, why not just say "thank you for that information" and drive on instead thumping your chest with your vast knowledge and trying to point out your superiority. Dr. Frued had a very interesting theory on male compensation that seems to fit your behavior spot on.
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