At Sunnybrook, for Toronto EMS we have 3 Voice Communication Options:
Land Line or Cell Phone to ER Physician Land Line (Land Line)
Paramedic Mobile or Land Line to ER Nursing Team Leader Land Line (Red Phone)
TPSS 800mhz radio to ER Physician Radio on MEDCON 1 (Radio, South Zone)
The choice on method of contact is made by the EMS Crew.
For out of town vehicles coming to Sunnybrook (Trauma), the only methods available are message relay from Toronto EMS Communications, typically via the Red Phone, and by Land Line to the Home CACC (Mississauga/Oshawa/York etc) again for message relay.
Air Ambulance (Ornge) Patches are now completed mostly by Landline to Satellite methods and are handled by Ornge from there office on Carlson Court by Pearson.