Approximate 0930 hrs, a male subject saturated house with gas and has barricaded himself inside with a female and child. BCSD resounding. Location is Pacific Blvd off Ocean Blvd near Hedgesville Food Lion.
Approximate 1000 hrs, SRT teams alerted. Shortly there after Hedgesville VFD and medics alert and moved to a standby location.
SRT team forming at site and a State Pol unit also on scene. Addition SO shift called in to handle normal calls.
Phone communication has been estiblished with suspect. Negotiations are taking place. Suspect is of questionable status.
He is reported to be armed with long guns and at least one handgun.
It appears suspect in known to SD as they are compiling a III and history from their records.
Controlled area expanded by 100 yards (beyond Food Lion) to get out of suspects view.
All radio traffic on BC Tac2. (very limited - majority on cell)
Approximate 1000 hrs, SRT teams alerted. Shortly there after Hedgesville VFD and medics alert and moved to a standby location.
SRT team forming at site and a State Pol unit also on scene. Addition SO shift called in to handle normal calls.
Phone communication has been estiblished with suspect. Negotiations are taking place. Suspect is of questionable status.
He is reported to be armed with long guns and at least one handgun.
It appears suspect in known to SD as they are compiling a III and history from their records.
Controlled area expanded by 100 yards (beyond Food Lion) to get out of suspects view.
All radio traffic on BC Tac2. (very limited - majority on cell)
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