How do your family/friends etc. feel about your hobby?


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Jul 15, 2003
In another forum I posted this in reply to someone and it was suggested I follow my own comment and start a new topic. So, here it is!

My wife has been extremely tolerant of my hobby for many years even though she has no interest. Frankly if my wife said no more radios that would be a very big problem😢. We each respect each others hobbies.
Off topic but maybe there should be another topic for discussion as far as one’s husband, wife or significant other and how they feel about the hobby and the money spent. Might be some interesting comments 😵‍💫


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Jun 27, 2019
Garden Grove, CA
When my mom and dad were alive, the three of of us would listen for hours to police and fire calls. During storms and just general listening.
We heard a undercover stakeout in the apartments behind our house. We watch the bad guy go looking for the police by driving around the neighborhood.
We had a 24 hour radio dedicated to our Karen neighbor's cordless phone. This woman would call the city on us and the neighbors on the street and complain about everything that wasn't to her liking.
Other family members knew what we were doing and didn't seem to care, or atleast they never said anything to us.

Today, I work with some young adults that think I am a real jerk for listing in to any of the radio stuff. I have no business doing so.
I am violating their privacy by listening to the police and fire and other departments
They don't understand while I listen driving for work in Los Angeles, a scanner helps me avoid trouble traffic areas.
And that pursuit that was coming up from behind me, told me to get out of the way.


Premium Subscriber
Aug 11, 2006
Forty-five years ago, a lady friend I had tolerated my six radios, four scanners and two HF receivers. Today, I am alone with about 67 radios, mainly scanners, but numerous ham radios (2m, 220, 440, and HF). Nothing is likely to change for the rest of my days.