OK, I have heard of REACT, but never knew much about them. Sound like they are a good organization but I can clearly see where some people go way over the top with this stuff and earn the term "wacker" tattooed on their foreheads. So am I going to get in trouble using this word, I don't want to be like Ann Coulter and go into rehab for saying the word "***". LOL
* Receive The REACTer magazine.
* Authorized to wear REACT apparel.
* Authorized to use REACT I.D. materials.
* Discounts on car rentals, hotels, etc.
* Discounts from K40 Electronics
* Training materials.
* Insurance coverage (Group Liability, Optional Accidental)
* Regional, national, and international activities.
"Authorized" to wear REACT apparel???? ok.....
Discounts from K40 Electronics LOL, wow what a deal! I'll be sure to remember this when my foot warmer in my 18 wheeler blows up trying to warn of the smokies ahead!
Insurance? What for? When one of them gets sued for giving the Heimlich maneuver to a guy that needs CPR LOL.
And REACT ID material......this is a must, you do not want to get caught impersonating a REACT agent!
Ok so I guess I just jumped on the Wacker bashing bandwagon, but if I got all that just from their website I'm sure your personal experiences warrant using the term WACKER!
Disclaimer: In no way to I think all REACT members fit this persona so save your breath and your rebuttal.